Samsung unveils ultra-wideband chipset

Exynos Connect U100 is a chipset for short-range, broad-frequency solutions that require pinpoint tracking. Image: Arcansél/Adobe Stock Samsung’s Exynos Connect U100 is the company’s first chipset for ultra-wideband wireless solutions.…

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ATCON: Anchor Telecoms, Backbone Connectivity CEOs enter race for Presidency   

Technology Times has confirmed that Mr Tony Izuagbe Emoekpere, Anchor Telecoms CEO, and Mr Ibrahim Dikko, Backbone Connectivity Nigeria Limited Managing Director/CEO, have entered the race to lead the Association of Telecommunications Companies of Nigeria (ATCON).  

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Ford’s next-gen T3 e-pickup to be a self-driving “Millennium Falcon”

Despite this week projecting a $3 billion loss this year on EV sales, Ford has no intention of shying away from the electric future. It announced Friday that it's working to "revolutionize America's truck" with a next-generation electric pickup code-named Project T3. The T3 will use every technology at Ford's disposal to be a loyal, hardworking partner for the digital age, promising autonomous capabilities advanced enough to let the driver take care of other work or even grab a nap. The truck is being developed at the same time as Ford's BlueOval City manufacturing plant, where it will be built.

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