WSJ’s Facebook series: Leadership lessons about ethical AI and algorithms

There have been discussions about bias in algorithms related to demographics, but the issue goes beyond superficial characteristics. Learn from Facebook's reported missteps. Image: iStock/metamorworks Many of the recent questions…

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A crack in the Garden Wall: What the Epic Games v. Apple ruling means for mobile app vendors

This is a big deal for mobile app vendors and developers. Image: kostsov, Getty Images/iStockphoto Earlier this month, US District Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers released her ruling in the suit and countersuit…

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How to improve relations between developers and security teams and boost application security

Chris Wysopal shared a history lesson about the evolution of application security and advice on how to make all apps more secure. Veracode CTO Chris Wysopal shared the highlights of…

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Pandemic-induced collaboration: Adobe’s billion-dollar acquisition

While the acquisition focuses on video, it rounds out Adobe's collaboration capabilities and extends them to the final frontier of video—a medium that has been notoriously difficult to collaborate within.…

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Smartphones used to check water for pollutants – by tracking paramecia

Even though it's vitally important to check drinking water sources for pollutants, some places lack the facilities for performing such tests. A new system could help, as it uses a smartphone camera to check up on tiny aquatic organisms.

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Buzzsaw Boss Hog Chopper e-scooter is made for your inner Hells Angel

While we've seen a number of electric scooters and ebikes that are made to look like classic cafe racer motorcycles, the Buzzsaw Boss Hog Chopper e-scooter is a bit different. As its name implies, it's inspired by big mean ol' custom chopper cycles.

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Sticky-tape module designed to let robots know when floors are clean

Increasingly, robots are being used to autonomously clean floors and other surfaces in places like airports and hospitals. You have to wonder, though … how do they know when a floor is sufficiently clean? A new module could soon tell them.

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Full-suspension electric kickscooter comes with collision warning system

Oakland-based electric mobility firm Unagi has teamed up with acclaimed industrial designer Yves Behar for a smooth-looking, full-suspension e-kickscoot with AI smarts that warn riders of possible collisions with people or objects.

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