Metal mouth – Komodo dragons’ teeth found to have a sharp iron coating

As if Komodo dragons didn't seem ferocious enough already, scientists have now discovered that the reptiles tear through flesh using a coating of iron on their teeth. It is now believed that dinosaurs such as T. rex may have been similarly endowed.

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Ancient giant armadillo bones reveal oldest human life in America

Well-preserved bones of a two-tonne glyptodont revealed cut marks indicative of stone tools, suggesting that human hunter-gatherers had settled in the Americas around 21,000 years ago – some 5,000 years before people were thought to have arrived.

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Our brains take naps while we’re awake – and wake when we’re asleep

For the first time, scientists have found that a tiny region of our brain shuts down to take micro-naps while we're awake. These same areas 'flicker' awake while we're asleep. This could offer pivotal insights into diseases linked to sleep dysregulation.

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Freeze-dried mammoth reveals most complete ancient genome in 3D

Scientists have assembled the most complete woolly mammoth genome in 3D, thanks to an incredible “freeze-dried” specimen. With its DNA preserved in a glass-like state, chromosomes were found for the first time, and even gene expression patterns.

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Hippos get airborne at top speed, and we’ve somehow only just found out

For the first time, scientists have discovered that hippos get significant airtime when they're at full-trot, able to lift their huge barrel-shaped girth off the ground for around 15% of their stride. It's totally unique for mammals their size.

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Two new hallucinogenic mushroom species discovered by fungi fans

Citizen scientists have been key to the discovery of two new species of hallucinogenic fungi, joining the ranks of 140 known types of these psychoactive mushrooms. One even has longstanding roots in traditional healing medicine in mountainous Lesotho.

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Butterfly takes epic 2,600-mile transatlantic flight, stuns scientists

In a first, scientists have found that painted lady butterflies use favorable winds and a strategy of active flying and autopilot to cross the world nonstop. The flight, spanning five-to-eight days, takes up to half the adventurous animals' adult life.

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Anti-aging molecule successfully restores multiple markers of youth

In pre-clinical trials, a small molecule effectively regrew neurons, reduced inflammation, and improved memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and more. The finding could have a profound impact on aging and the diseases that accompany it.

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Never-before-seen dinosaur’s unique headgear earns it a godly name

A never-before-seen species of horned, herbivorous dinosaur, a predecessor of the Triceratops, has been unveiled at the Natural History Museum of Utah. And its showy, distinctive headgear has earned it a name reminiscent of a god.

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The sky-high mountain superhighway used by billions of tiny travelers

This serene gap between Pyrenees mountains becomes abuzz with flying insects each year, as they journey across Europe. We may not always like to live with them, but we can't live without them – so paths like this are critical for all life on Earth.

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