IoT security, neglected infrastructure, and a crisis of trust deemed major threats for 2022

The Internet Security Forum predicts the coming threats with a very good track record so far. Get your company ready for these threats. Armed with a "state of the industry"…

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With a possible lockdown extension, startup employees face an uncertain future

After the lockdown on March 30, some startups placed their employees on salary pay cuts and unpaid leave. But with the lockdown extended, what does the future hold for startups and their employees?

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New study shows how ultrasound technique can treat Alzheimer’s disease

A new study is offering insight into how a novel ultrasound technique could help treat Alzheimer’s disease describing how the treatment weakens the blood-brain barrier in brain cells, potentially improving the uptake of drugs to treat the disease.

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Airport Aerials: The incredible photo project looking down on airports

One of photographer Toby Harriman's personal projects over the past few years has been exploring the unique designs of different airports, and his slowly expanding Airport Aerials project is offering truly unique perspectives on these massive spaces.

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Interview: Mate Rimac, Croatia’s answer to Elon Musk

Mate Rimac is one of the most important single figures in the electric vehicle revolution, and has achieved some truly extraordinary things at the tender age of 32. He spoke with New Atlas over a Skype line in the midst of the COVID-19 lockdown.

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BepiColombo completes close encounter with Earth

The BepiColombo deep-space probe has successfully made its flyby of Earth on its journey to explore the planet Mercury. On April 10, the joint ESA/JAXA mission passed within 12,700 km of the Earth's surface as it carried out a slingshot maneuver.

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