Floods of nutrients found to up the risk factor for heat-stressed corals

As recent bleaching events have shown, warming ocean waters pose a great threat to the existence of natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, but a new study shows why they aren’t the only factor that needs to be taken into account.

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CERN’s powerful new linear accelerator fires up ahead of LHC upgrade

After a two-year shutdown for repairs and upgrades, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider is beginning to fire back up. The newest particle accelerator, Linac 4, completed its first test run over the past few weeks, and will produce much more powerful beams.

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Extraordinary Australian “bubble house” hits the market

A truly unique piece of Australian real estate is up for grabs. Architect Graham Birchall's personal home, based around a series of 11 intersecting bubble domes, has gone up for sale in Ipswich, Queensland.

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Potential for “selfies” to detect heart disease raises ethical concerns

A new algorithm has been developed to detect coronary artery disease solely from patient facial photos. The algorithm needs more refinement but experts suggest there are ethical considerations to resolve before a system like this can be deployed.

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Study demonstrates promising new asthma drug that relaxes the airways

An international team of scientists has identified a protein in the lungs that offers a new target for asthma treatments, along with another common condition affected by inflammation in the lungs, in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

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