Six eggs a week lowers heart disease death risk by 29%

A new study has found that eating between one and six eggs each week significantly reduces the risk of dying from any cause but particularly from heart disease – even in people who have been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels.

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Common supplement shows new signs of interrupting the aging process

While the price of eggs is unlikely to dip anytime soon, it might be time to find other sources of one of their key nutrients – omega-3. New research on the polyunsaturated fatty acid has uncovered encouraging signs that it can slow biological aging.

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Popular exercise supplement may cut depression & enhance psychotherapy

A study is building on a body of evidence showing a common supplement used to build muscle may also confer beneficial mental health outcomes. The clinical trial suggests the effects of psychotherapy can be amplified by adding this nutritional supplement.

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Sneeze simulator will make you want to mask-up

A coughing, sneezing, 3D-printed model of the human nose and upper airway has provided researchers with a better understanding of how airborne infections are transmitted. The knowledge will aid in developing effective ways of reducing that spread.

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Got milk? Startup develops milk-based targeted drug-delivery technology

A couple of University of Nebraska professors have launched a startup company with the goal of bringing to market an innovative method for delivering drugs and other therapeutics to targeted locations in the human body. The key ingredient? Milk.

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The surprising secret weapon to arm yourself with this flu season

We all know that a balanced diet made up of unprocessed foods is a recipe for gut health, but scientists have now found just how one nutrient – fiber – can trigger a microbiotic chain reaction that shields the body from influenza and other viruses.

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Popular sleeping pill shown to block brain’s critical cleaning cycle

Each night, our brains execute a "wash and rinse" routine that clears away harmful protein waste linked to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. Now, new research shows that a common prescription sleep aid can disrupt this essential process.

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Michael J. Fox funds early warning Parkinson’s biomarker initiative

The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research has partnered with global healthcare company Grifols to identify biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease well in advance of symptoms appearing. The initiative could lead to new diagnostic tools and treatments.

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Coffee’s heart benefits shown to improve based on when you drink it

From fighting memory decline to warding off some cancers, drinking coffee continues to emerge as a way to improve your health. Now, a new study says that the time of day during which you drink your daily brew is key to boosting some of its effects.

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