Rugged Scout drone designed to inspect tanks for leaks

The liquid-carrying tanks on tanker ships have to regularly be inspected for cracks – a task which is typically performed by humans. A new drone, however, is claimed to do the job much quicker and more thoroughly.

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Sony releases smart speakers that immerse you in all-around sound

Sony offered a glimpse of its first 360-degree audio speakers back at the online-only CES 2021 expo in January, with two units based around the company's 360 Reality Audio tech. Now the SRS-RA5000 and SRS-RA3000 are up for pre-order.

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AI monitoring system warns patients of improper inhaler usage

Even though at-home use of an inhaler or insulin pen can be extremely important, doctors have to pretty much just hope that patients are doing it right. A new system, however, could objectively assess patients' technique within their homes.

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Powerful protostars may not be responsible for ending their own growth

Fresh research has cast doubt on the theory that energetic outbursts from young stars blows away the cocoon of gas from which they formed, which in turn prevents them from growing any further.

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Collaborative tech lets drones work together to lift heavy loads

While aerial drones do show promise as a means of urban parcel delivery, their small size will limit them to carrying relatively light packages. An experimental new system, however, lets multiple drones team up to hoist heftier items.

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