Extra fuel may keep James Webb Space Telescope going for over a decade

The James Webb Space Telescope hasn't even finished unfurling itself after its December 25 launch and NASA says that its mission could already be extended beyond 10 years thanks to excess fuel for its onboard thrusters.

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Varibike Extreme gets riders’ arms and/or legs rowing and/or pedalling

We've seen bikes that are powered by both the arms and legs, plus we've seen ones that are rowed instead of (or along with) being pedalled. The Varibike Extreme, however, combines both types of exercise in a unique new fashion.

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3D CT scanning tech used to non-destructively unwrap an Egyptian mummy

While archeologists can learn a lot from studying ancient Egyptian mummified bodies, unwrapping those bodies may damage their valuable coverings. With that problem in mind, scientists have now "digitally unwrapped" a mummy via CT scanning technology.

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MoonBikes announces full specs and pricing for its electric snow bike

Right around this time last year, we first heard about the MoonBike electric snow bike. Although the French-designed vehicle was in prototype form back then, its makers have now announced full specs and pricing for the production version.

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