Three reasons business users should upgrade from M1- to M2-powered iPad Pros

New iPad Pros feature Apple's newest M2 CPU. Here are three reasons justifying upgrading from the previous M1-powered iPad Pro models. Image: leungchopan/Adobe Stock Almost everyone knows Apple regularly upgrades…

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OM System OM-5 launches as adventure-ready compact MFT camera

Olympus spin-out OM Digital Solutions celebrated 50 years of the OM-1 film with a new micro-four-thirds flagship in February, and has now launched what appears to be an update to 2019's OM-D E-M5 MkIII.

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53 “mute” species caught vocalizing, suggesting single chatty ancestor

Birds sing, dogs bark and turtles – well, talk in their way too. A new study has found a range of “mute” species do actually vocalize, and concluded that all acoustic communication can be traced back to a single ancestor more than 400 million years ago.

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