Brain imaging helmet tracks psychedelic experiences in ketamine study

An ongoing study is testing a new kind of neuroimaging device designed to easily capture brain activity in real-time. These experiments will investigate the effects of ketamine on functional connectivity in the brain before, during and after an experience.

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Cells’ trash disposal system shapes as a “toggle” for cancer treatment

Research from MIT has shown how natural cellular cleaning systems are ramped up during cell division, with the newly discovered mechanism potentially offering scientists a "toggle" for treating different kinds of diseases.

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Specialized’s workhorse ebikes incentivize bike rides over car rides

One of the world's largest bicycle brands ups its ebike game with a dedicated brand encouraging commuters to ditch the car and get on an electric bike. Specialized's Globe brand will carry the torch of getting more butts into ebike saddles.

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Saab’s Sirius Compact warfare sensor stays stealthy, locates threats

Saab has introduced a passive, lightweight, electronic warfare sensor called Sensor Compact, which is designed to act alone or in an array to locate incoming threats on a variety of tactical levels without revealing its presence.

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Experts divided over who should get a 4th COVID vaccine dose

Two new studies indicate a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose can substantially boost immunity and reduce risk of infection compared to triple-dosed individuals but experts are divided on whether all age groups should be offered the extra booster.

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As important as bulletproof vests: Yubico sends 20,000 keys to Ukrainian government and energy agencies

Cybersecurity companies Yubico and Hideez are working with the Ukrainian government to replace passwords with security keys. Image: Yubico In early March 2022, a security expert found a way to…

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Spider uses film of air to hide underwater for over half an hour

Last year, we heard how anole lizards are able to breathe underwater from an air bubble on their nose. One of the scientists involved in that study has now documented a spider doing something similar – although the bubble covers its whole body.

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