2023 Chemistry Nobel grants big honor to explorers of the super-small

This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to three different scientists who advanced the development of quantum dots – nanoscale particles that exhibit unusual characteristics thanks to their diminutive size.

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Huff ‘n’ puff geothermal fracking: Earth batteries at 200% efficiency

Sage Geosystems has pioneered a new form of cheap energy storage that uses the Earth as a giant bellows, pumping water into underground fractures, then letting it squirt back up at 70% efficiency – or 200% efficiency if you also harvest heat energy.

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“Starburst” galaxies could solve cosmic dawn mystery raised by Webb

The James Webb Space Telescope can look farther back in space and time than ever before – and it’s revealed puzzling galaxies that seem to be too advanced for their age. Now astronomers have proposed a new explanation for them – starburst galaxies.

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New blood test could improve diagnosis & management of concussion

Researchers have found a way to determine whether someone has suffered a concussion by measuring the blood levels of three biomarkers within six hours of the injury. The blood test could be used alongside existing tests for a more accurate diagnosis.

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“Explosive” cell death gene variant carried by millions of people

Researchers have found that millions worldwide carry a gene variant that controls ‘explosive’ cell death and is linked to inflammation. They say it may explain why some people are prone to developing inflammatory diseases.

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High-speed, super agile Super Sub shows up in the flesh at Monaco

U-Boat Works has unveiled "the fastest private submersible ever conceived" – let alone built. The three-person bubble-cabin Super Sub looks like an underwater supercar, and it's quick enough to cruise, if not sprint, with bottlenose dolphins.

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Munro adds an exoskeleton to nipped and tucked electric 4×4

Munro Vehicles has revealed its production-refined all-electric utility vehicle, the Series-M. Rolling early feedback into the design, it's sculpted the front-end, revised the bodywork, and added an exoskeleton rack for carrying tools of the trade.

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“Invisible grating” bends laser using just air and sound

Guiding lasers where they need to go is a key part of optics systems, and now engineers at DESY have developed a way to bend laser beams without anything touching them. The light is deflected using an invisible grating made of air shaped by acoustics.

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Solar desal system produces drinkable water quickly without clogging

Researchers have developed a new solar-powered desalination system that produces high amounts of drinkable water and uses a technique inspired by the movement of deep-ocean currents to avoid the common problem of salt clogging.

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New Horizons gets a new lease on life and a possible flyby mission

The future of NASA's New Horizons interstellar probe as it speeds out of the solar system, never to return, is a bit more secure after the space agency announced a new extended mission plan that includes another possible Kuiper Belt object flyby.

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