Sweat sensor gets the goods without resorting to needles or workouts

If you don't like getting needles or working out, this new medical wearable may be for you. It analyzes sweat instead of blood, and it doesn't require patients to generate that sweat by performing strenuous exercises.

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Will Australia Ever Dig Itself Out of the Cybersecurity Skills Shortage?

Australia continues to grapple with the ramifications of a massive cyber security skills shortage, underscored by another recent large-scale data breach. The big concern is whether the nation even has…

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DARPA intends to wirelessly charge drones while in flight by power-beaming

DARPA has committed further funding for far-field wireless power transfer – or power-beaming – to wirelessly charge drones in flight without them ever having to abandon mission to recharge or swap out dead batteries, potentially saving critical missions.

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