Bio-based resin may find use in recyclable wind turbine blades

Although wind turbines generate electricity via an eco-friendly process, their blades end up in landfills once they wear out. That could change, however, thanks to a resin that would allow old blades to be broken down and recycled into new ones.

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UHT Solutions: Boosting Competitiveness in the Food Industry

UHT systems for the Ultra High Temperature treatment (sterilisation) of dairy and plant-based products, fruit juices, beverages, soups and, in general, any liquid and low-viscosity food, represent the core of the process plant of many companies in the food industry.

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Clever titanium gadget uses concentric rings to measure, add and multiply

Less than a year ago we told you about the Tiroler, a titanium ring that's a rather clever alternative to the boring ol' tape measure. Well, its makers are back with a new take on the concept, which also performs calculations.

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Voice linked to blood sugar: the potential for voice-based diabetes monitoring

When blood sugar levels go high, so does voice pitch, according to a new study. It paves the way for detecting type 2 diabetes or monitoring diabetics’ blood sugars simply by talking into a smartphone and having AI analyze their speech.

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SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket grounded by FAA after botched landing

The FAA has grounded SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket after one failed during a powered landing attempt on August 28, 2024 after the successful launch of 21 Starlink satellites. It's the first unsuccessful landing for SpaceX since 2021.

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