Distillery floats above Cyprus landscape like a copper sculpture

The Lampadistis Wine Distillery is inspired by the history of winemaking and concrete Brutalism. Located in the heart of Cyprus, the new distillery is constructed from 3,450 L-shaped Ductal concrete modules, eliciting a shimmering copper effect.

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Heat-activated hydrogel could stop battlefield bleeds

Controlling bleeding is one of the most important life-saving measures battlefield medics can take. However, this can be a significant challenge outside of a medical facility. A new injectable heat-activated hydrogel may offer a way forward.

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2022’s most innovative cycling products

As 2022 draws to a close, it's time to look back on some of the cycling-related innovations which most caught our eye over the past year. These aren't necessarily the best bike products that came out, nor the most popular, but they're definitely among the most interesting.

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Fossil evidence shows that a dinosaur included mammals in its diet

It has long been known that some of the earliest mammals coexisted with the later-period dinosaurs. Now, for just the second time ever, scientists have documented fossil evidence of a dinosaur having actually eaten one of those mammals.

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