Cheap, common kitty litter clay captures methane from the air

Carbon dioxide may hog headlines as a climate change villain, but methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas. MIT has now demonstrated a new way to remove methane from the air, even at low concentrations, with a common clay used to make cat litter.

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Fungus-made protein may be an eco-friendly alternative to egg whites

Egg white powder is a widely used food ingredient, which means that a lot of hens have to be raised on a lot of farms, producing a lot of waste. There may soon be a greener alternative, however, thanks to a fungus which produces a key egg protein.

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Biodegradable e-ink makes for eco-friendlier 3D-printed electronics

As 3D-printed electrical circuits become more widely produced, the problem of electronic waste could correspondingly get worse. That's why Swiss scientists have developed a new natural-source "e-ink" that biodegrades once discarded.

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Newfound type of storm is a 1,000-km-wide puddle in the sky

A new type of storm has been discovered in the skies over the Indian Ocean. Named “atmospheric lakes,” these events are slow-moving pools of concentrated water vapor that can last for days and bring large amounts of rain to the surface below them.

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Flexible paper-based battery is designed to biodegrade once discarded

Although there are now biodegradable single-use electronic devices such as environmental sensors, the batteries in those devices can still pose an ecological problem. That's why scientists have now created a fully biodegradable paper-based battery.

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“Smart” Farallon Buoy helps commercial fishers recover lost nets

You've no doubt heard about the horrors of lost commercial fishing nets, which drift through the ocean killing a multitude of sea creatures. Well, the Farallon Buoy is designed to help, by allowing fishers to track the whereabouts of those nets.

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Algae-purified wastewater used to raise fish

In order to purify wastewater, chemicals and UV light are commonly used. According to a new study, however, algae may be a more eco-friendly and energy-efficient alternative, resulting in water that's clean enough for use in aquaculture.

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Ocean Cleanup’s supersized system proves its worth with “massive” haul

Back in August, the Ocean Cleanup Project returned to the waters of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch with a redesigned trash-collecting system that was its largest yet, and it has just reigned in a "massive" haul of plastic waste.

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Climate startup taps harsh Australian sun for scalable carbon capture

A company at the cutting edge of carbon capture technology has outlined its vision to use Australia's vast, open spaces and abundant sunlight to power millions of modular systems that would collect millions of tons of CO2 each year.

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New jean-dying process shouldn’t give the environment the blues

While we may think of blue jeans as kind of earthy, basic clothing, the process by which they're dyed is definitely not eco-friendly. That may soon no longer be the case, however, thanks to the development of a new coloration technique.

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