HGRELMAN – Hotel Guest Relations Manager

Read Online H – GRelMan Hotel Guest Relations Manager User Guide Front Desk Operations Sales Outlets Operations Daily Revenue Analysis Kitchen Docket Operations June 2004 June 2004 Revised June 2011…

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Dr. Taofeek Oladiran Folami

Resume Dr. Taofeek Oladiran Folami DoB: 21 August 1962 , Male, Married, State of Origin – Lagos State; Tel: +234-803-3045117 Email: drfolami@yahoo.co.uk; drfolami@tofengineers.com; drfolami@nasniconsultants.com Education and Professional Qualifications Fellow, Nigerian…

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ITU Secretary-General: How regulation can deliver on the promise of the digital economy

By Houlin Zhao, ITU Secretary-General The following was adapted from ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao’s opening remarks at the Global Symposium for Regulators 2018 in Geneva on 10 July 2018. The first “Global ICT Regulatory Outlook” released last year by ITU showed that expectations of regulation in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) have grown. Not surprisingly, the pace of regulation in […]

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How AT&T’s new ‘Airship’ cloud-native platform will run its 5G core

By Guy Daniels Open source collaboration with Intel and SK Telecom Built using microservices and embraces cloud native principles Will provide the foundation of AT&T’s network cloud to run its 5G core Airship will also be used in the Akraino Edge Stack project AT&T is at it again. Having already pushed out its ECOMP orchestration projects and DANOS white box […]

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OPNFV moves network functions virtualization closer to ‘cloud native’

By Guy Daniels The sixth platform release from the open source OPNFV project Features more mature cloud native integration and improved testing OPNFV Fraser designed to create an ecosystem bridge to cloud providers Orange and China Mobile have used OPNFV continuous integration (CI) pipeline and testing projects The Open Platform for Network Functions Virtualization (OPNFV) Project has announced the availability […]

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Health For All: using ICTs to reach the last mile

By ITU News ‘Health For All’–the theme for World Health Day this year—highlights the urgent need to reach underserved communities. Much progress has been achieved in global health. For example, between 1990 and 2015, the number of children who died before age five decreased by more than half due to the expanded delivery of lifesaving interventions like bednets and vaccines. […]

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Connected vehicles at the cross-roads: what is needed for success?

By ITU News At the Geneva International Motor Show yesterday, next to the exhibition halls showing off car manufacturers’ latest creations, industry experts and UN representatives gathered to discuss how they will fast-forward the automotive industry — and the world — into the future. The Symposium on the Future Networked Car (FNC-2018), convened by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the […]

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Kuala Lumpur to build ‘City Brain’ with Alibaba Cloud

By Barbara Szewcow and Jonathan Andrews Kuala Lumpur has become the first non-Chinese city to implement Chinese internet giant Alibaba’s cloud computing infrastructure to improve its data and traffic management. The City Brain project is a collaboration between Alibaba, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall. It will integrate and analyse big and heterogeneous data generated by video and image recognition, data […]

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Machine Learning for 5G: New ITU Focus Group sets agenda

By ITU News A new ITU Focus Group will propose standardization strategies to assist Machine Learning in contributing to the efficiency of emerging IMT-2020 (5G) systems. The group will define the requirements of Machine Learning as they relate to technology, data formats and network architectures. Contributions to the first meeting of the Focus Group in Geneva, 30 January to 2 […]

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