Leaving no one behind: Niger’s Smart Villages Project

By Hani Eskandar, ICT Applications Coordinator for ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau It is by no means strange that the most ambitious and innovative initiatives come from those who need them most. Take Niger, for example. The landlocked country is 70 per cent desert and more than 80 per cent of its population live in rural areas. The country’s economy is largely based […]

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Connectivity from the stratosphere

By Sophie Thomas, Zephyr Programme Manager, Airbus Zephyr has made stratospheric flight a reality On 11 July 2018, a Zephyr S aircraft took off on its maiden flight in Arizona. It flew for 25 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes, marking the longest flight duration ever achieved without re-fuelling. The Zephyr aircraft has also flown in excess of 74 000 […]

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The price of LiDAR is falling. Will driverless cars be on the road sooner?

By Lucy Spencer, ITU News Once just the imagination of science fiction writers, fully autonomous vehicles are rapidly being tested around the world – but they face big hurdles before they become commercially viable for the general public. One of these hurdles is the price of LiDAR  (Light Imaging Detection and Ranging) systems. As opposed to the radar and camera […]

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How the Young ICT Leaders’ Forum can foster digital transformation

By Mohamed Ba, Head of the Innovation Division for ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau In the past few years, the Young ICT Leaders’ Forum (YILF), an annual event co-organized by ITU and the city of Busan, Republic of Korea, has attracted a diverse talented pool of young people. The 6th edition of the Young ICT Leader’s forum will take place in Busan in the Republic of Korea from 3 to […]

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ITU Journal on radiowave propagation extends submission deadline

By ITU News 24 June 2019 is the new deadline for submissions to the special issue of the ITU Journal on radiowave propagation. Radiowave propagation enables mobile-wireless, fixed and satellite communication, radio and television broadcasting, satellite navigation, connected cars, global positioning systems, the monitoring of our environment, emergency communications, and even deep-space research. Radio has become essential to business and […]

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AI for Good: How robotic avatars could play a key role

By Colin Peartree, Team Coordinator of the ANA Avatar XPRIZE Imagine you had a robotic copy of yourself – identical in height, weight, mobility and dexterity. Now, raise your arms, turn your head, bend your knees. If you can do it, then your robotic avatar can, too. In the future, you will be able to take control of your avatar, […]

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How we can humanize AI to empower employees

By Elaine Murphy, General Manager of LiveTiles for Europe, the Middle East and Africa The world of work is riding a business transformation wave that is continuously buffeted by the latest technology developments, most recently in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI). Despite this relentless change, it is never just about the power of technology, but about the ability of […]

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Call for Action on the use of frontier technologies in combating climate change and achieving a circular economy

The 13th Symposium on ICT, Environment and Climate Change, which was held on 13 May 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland has acknowledged the transformative potential of frontier technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoTs), Big Data analytics, 5G, digital twins, distributed ledger technologies, additive manufacturing, robotics, edge computing, and augmented and virtual realities, among others, can help to lower […]

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Advances in AI-enabled language translation hold special promise for the developing world

By Vicki L. Hanson, PhD, CEO, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) The Association for Computing Machinery presents the ACM A.M. Turing Award annually. Often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of Computing,” the A.M. Turing Award is accompanied by a USD1 million prize funded by Google. This past year, Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and Yann LeCun received the award for their […]

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IBM Project Debater visits the United Nations

By Noam Slonim, Distinguished Engineer, Project Debater, IBM Research – Haifa Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) capture the narrative of a global population on a controversial topic? At the AI for Good Global Summit we aim to find out. A few months ago, IBM unveiled Project Debater to the world. It’s the first ever AI technology to meaningfully engage in a […]

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