Designed to operate over the range 1µL to 5mL per minute – the Biotech HPLC Flow Meter comes pre-calibrated and can be connected inline to continuously measure inline flow rates of liquids from pumps serving HPLC and GPC/SEC systems as well as flow chemistry reactors.
With an extended flow rate range of up to 40 mL/min, the new Biotech Semi-Prep Flow Meter is the perfect tool for continuous monitoring and validation of pumps serving both straight and reverse phase preparative HPLC, flash and continuous processing systems as well as bioreactor feed pumps.
Operating up to liquid flow rates of 650mL per minute, with a resolution of 0.02 mL per minute, the new Biotech High Flow Meter is an ideal process optimization tool for monitoring preparative chromatographs used to produce larger quantities of pure compounds.
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