Extra-wide tiny house provides big home comforts in a portable package

With its Felicity 10′ Wide model, Colorado’s Frontier Tiny Homes aims to offer the kind of experience you usually associate more with a “real” house. Featuring a spacious and light-filled interior layout, the towable dwelling boasts some nice home comforts, including a dishwasher and a bathtub.

The Felicity 10′ Wide tiny house is based on a triple-axle trailer and is finished in tongue and groove cedar siding, plus metal, and is topped by a metal roof. It has a length of 28 ft (8.5 m) which isn’t actually all that long nowadays, however its increased width of 10 ft (3 m) ensures a more natural apartment-like layout than most tiny houses – though it also means it needs a permit to tow on a public roads in the US.

The home’s main entrance opens onto the kitchen, which includes an oven with a four-burner propane-powered stove, the dishwasher mentioned, a fridge/freezer, a sink, and attractive walnut butcher block countertops.

Next to the kitchen is the living room. This has an electric fireplace and a built-in bookshelf, as well as space for a TV to be mounted, plus enough room for a sofa.

Visitors enter the Felicity 10' Wide tiny house's kitchen through double glass doors that help open up the home to the outside
Visitors enter the Felicity 10′ Wide tiny house’s kitchen through double glass doors that help open up the home to the outside

Frontier Tiny Homes

At the far end of the home is a small hallway which connects to a second outdoor entrance and the bathroom. In addition to a proper bathtub/shower, which is definitely a luxurious feature to have in a tiny house, it has a flushing toilet, a vanity sink, and a stacked washer/dryer.

There are two bedrooms in the Felicity 10′ Wide, both of which are reached by single staircase, with a small walkway connecting them. They are on opposite sides of the house so have a nice degree of separation between them too.

Each bedroom is a typical tiny house loft with a low ceiling and a double bed, plus a little storage. One includes some cabinets and a small built-in TV as well.

The Felicity 10' Wide tiny house's living room includes space for a sofa, as well as an electric fireplace
The Felicity 10′ Wide tiny house’s living room includes space for a sofa, as well as an electric fireplace

Frontier Tiny Homes

The Felicity 10′ Wide model shown is currently up for sale for US$139,900.

Source: Frontier Tiny Homes

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