Fastly’s new developer hub specializes in meeting your edge computing needs

Fastly’s new developer hub specializes in meeting your edge computing needs

The new edge developer portal is designed to be easy to search, is packed with documentation and snippets, and is available now.

Edge cloud computing provider Fastly has launched a new Developer Hub focused on “engaging, innovating, and building” edge computing tools in the Fastly edge cloud.

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The hub provides a number of different tools for edge computing developers who use Fastly’s platform, and the company said it plans to continually expand what’s available.

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“Our Developer Hub puts the full power of Fastly in developers’ hands by making it simpler to find the tools they need and by helping them realize what our technology is capable of. We’re in the business of helping developers be successful by harnessing the power of edge computing,” said Fastly’s SVP of customer solutions Adam Denenberg. 

Fastly highlights two key features of the portal that it said are designed with developers in mind: Documentation that has enhanced search parameters, and a sandboxed testing environment it calls Fastly Fiddle. 

Searchable documentation, in the case of Fastly’s developer portal, means frontloading “usability and innovation.” Fastly said it has done this by making searchable content that is indexed based on several different organizational schema, like command type or use case.

The goal of its enhanced searchability, Fastly said, is less time wasted looking for answers and more time spent coding: “Time spent searching for undiscoverable materials is time taken away from optimizing sites, streamlining processes, or executing on great ideas,” Fastly said in a statement. 

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As for Fastly Fiddle, it’s a sandbox that Fastly built to “allow developers to test configurations without putting their production environments at risk,” just like any other sandbox. What Fiddle does have is the ability to import any of Fastly’s pre-built code snippets for testing—it’s a quick process that only involves clicking on the name of a recipe, which instantly loads it into Fiddle. 

Fastly Fiddle can be used without having to log in to the Developer Hub, but Fastly warns that all code run through it is publicly accessible on the web.

Along with its two key features, Fastly’s Developer Hub also includes:

  • A library of ready-to-deploy code snippets along with deployment instructions
  • API and language references and changelogs for every element of Fastly’s web interface and the Varnish Configuration Language
  • Educational content for beginners, experienced devs, and experts, including “a growing collection of fine-tuning instructions and observability tools”
  • Blog posts from Fastly devs and engineers

The Developer Hub is also where developers interested in Fastly’s Compute@Edge serverless computing environment beta.

In short, the new Developer Hub is, to quote from the hub itself, “Everything you need to build on Fastly.” Organizations using Fastly for edge cloud computing and developers interested in learning more about Fastly’s toolset can check it out now.

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