TOF Engineers and Consulting Ltd.
SoftPro Nigeria Limited
Law Office Manager Software System
Operational Guide
June 2003
Contact: TOF Engineers & Consulting Ltd.: 56 Femi Ayantuga Crescent, Surulere, Lagos. P.O. Box 4629
GPO Marina, Lagos. Tel: 01-5835608, 0803-3045117
1 Introduction and Features of Law Office Manager
Law Office Manager (LAWMAN) is designed to aid law firms of all categories in managing clients information, scheduling of legal activities and services rendered to clients, as well as billing and tracking of client’s accounts with the firm.
1.1 Law Office Manager Features
Captures and manages clients information
Captures and manages case information with facility to attach cases to clients.
Captures visual representation of case related information such as photographs of crime scene, photographs of evidence and any related electronic information relating to the case. Scheduling of activities such as court appearances, hearings and filing injunctions in courts. Provision of reminders on scheduled activities based on your coded instructions, automatically generated when you start the software.
Facility to code service you provide to clients; improves accuracy in billing of clients Ability to assign counsel/client executive to each client/case.
Maintains records of activities on each case such as court appearances, court hearings, meetings, judgements and sentencing details, including court locations and counsel/staff that handled the activity.
Records all activities performed for clients including those that are not litigation specific, for example, conveyance services.
Maintains cases history, including continuous assessment of cases.
Maintains details of client’s charges and payments.
Generates statistics such as returns on cases, status of cases while open and on completion.
Comprehensive reporting facilities.
Facility for cross-referencing your search with information in the your databank.
Integrates seamlessly with third party digital information and referencing services, such as case reports and indexes, which are now commonly sold on compact discs. This empowers your legal officers with relevant on-line information to prepare for cases at his/her workstation without the need to continually get up to search for reference materials.
1.2 Brief on Operations
Installation of LAWMAN
Starting LAWMAN
Changing your password
Operational Data
Entering Clients details
Entering Case Details
Cases/Clients Activities History
Information Search: Clients, Cases, Activities and Cross-Referencing
Work/Task Scheduling
Reports and Statistics
Advanced Reports
Financial: Invoicing and Managing Clients Accounts
System Administration
1.3 Installing Law Office Manager
Installation is described in detail in the System Administration User Guide and the Readme file.
Law Office Manager requires Microsoft Office 2000 or XP to operate. You must specify which version of Microsoft Office you have so as to configure Law Office Manager for your environment.
1.4 Starting Law Office Manager
- Double Click on the LAWMAN icon on your desktop or Select LAWMAN from the Program menu bar.
- Specify (if required) the application directory where the program files are located (defaults is c:\zlegal)
- Specify the directory/folder where the security file is located, (defaults is c:\zlegal)
- Click “Click Here To Logon To Law Office Manager”
- Log in with you username (mainuser if this is the first time).
- This starts LAWMAN and displays the main interface after a few seconds.
If the program does not work it may be because of proper configuration. Consult Vendor
1.5 Changing Your Password.
Before you continue to use LAWMAN for your operations, you must be aware that there is one function every registered user of LAWMAN can perform. This is to change his/her password.
Your passwords must be secret to the user; even the system administrator should not be aware of your password. The system administrator(s) can only clear your password, if you forget it, to allow you to specify another one.
The procedure for changing your password is simple.
- Click “Change Password” on the main interface.
- On the resulting enter your Old Password in the appropriate field (Leave blank if you do not have a password or you are specifying one for the first time).
- Enter your new password in the field labelled “New Password”
- Enter the new password again in the field labelled “Verify”
- Click “Specify Password”.
- You will be prompted if the New Password and the Verify do not match exactly. You must re-enter both again to ensure registration of the password.
The next time you log on to LAWMAN you must specify this password to gain access.
1.6 On Line Help facility
To assist in using LAWMAN, you can view the operational and system manuals via Law Office Manager->Documents from the Programs menu on Start Menu bar.
- Select Law Office Manager from the Programs menu on Start Menu bar
- Select Documents from the sub menu
- Select the document you want to view from the Documents sub menu e.g. Double-click the document. This would display the required document. You can navigate/use the document as you normally use any similar document. You have the choices of
- LAWMAN Operational Guide
- LAWMAN System Administration Guide
- Customer Feedback Change Request
- Customer Feedback Problem Reporting
You require Microsoft Word and Acrobat Reader on your computer to view the files.
2 Configuring Law Office Manager with Operational Data
To obtain meaningful results and statistics from the software, you must configure it with operational information, which includes causes of actions, list of courts, list of your counsel and other legal staff, legal charges rates and status of cases and clients.
2.1 Configuring with General Information
- On the main interface, click Operational Data.
- Click General Information; this displays the interface below.
You can now enter the information depicted by each button, which are self explanatory, e.g.
Zones indicate the geographical zones in Nigeria, as specified by the client Locations/Stations is the location in a zone where your office/branch is located.
Click a desired button and Add/Modify data as required
2.2 Configuring with Operational Information
- On the main interface, click Operational Data.
- Click Operational Information; this displays the interface below.
You can specify the operational information by clicking the respective buttons to Add new information or Modify existing information. Information required include
Clients Status Information indicating if you accept or reject a client’s
request for your services
Clients Legal Status On Case Whether a client is a plaintiff, defendant or complainant on a
Charges And Expenditures List of services you provide and charge clients
Case Status Codes List of codes to indicate status of a case
Case Result Status List of codes to indicate status of case on completion
State of Affairs On Cases Comments on the current state of affairs on a case
Transfer Codes List of codes indicating transfer status of case (to another
court for example)
Classes of Counsel Categories of counsel/lawyers/legal staff in your employ.
Law Category Various legal categories e.g. Criminal / Civil /
Constitutional/ etc
Causes of Action Causes of Actions
Categories of Courts Various types of courts; Magistrates, High Court, Supreme
Court etc.
Charge Codes Codes to indicate your legal charges
Legal Charge Rates Charge rates based on level/classes of counsel/staff
Financial Instruments Codes indicating instruments of financial transactions, e.g.
cash, cheques, drafts etc.
- On the main interface, Click Operational Data Setup, then click Operational
- Click the operational information you want: e.g. click Clients Legal Status on Case on the resulting interface. This displays the interface through which you enter new or modify information on existing status.
- To add new details, Click Add, then enter the information on the text boxes.
- To modify existing details,
- Move to the record you want to modify,
- Click Modify and replace information in the text boxes as desired
- To discard the new entry/modification, Click Discard
- Click Save to save the information.
Follow same procedure for all the operational data indicated.
2.2.1 Specifying and Configuring Legal Charge Rates
Law office Manager offers the facility to define charge rates for all legal services you provide based on the category/class of your staff/counsel. For example, the rate for a junior partner appearing in court will be less than that of a senior or a principal partner. Furthermore, there is the facility to specify charge rates for 3 different modes; Standard Rate, Rate Per Day and Rate per Hour. This will be configured on implementation and you have total control in modifying the rates.
However, prior to defining the charge rates you must have defined your legal services and classes of counsel (i.e. categories of your staff) to enable accurate specifications.
Define Classes of Counsel and of all categories of staff in your firm:
Click Classes of Counsel in Step2 above
Define all the Legal Services you provide to your clients
Click Legal Charge Rates in Step2 above
You can then proceed to specify the charge rates.
- Click the Legal Charge Rates. This displays the interface below through which you specify the rates.
Notice that a template for each type of charge is displayed for each class of counsel. In the example above, the template is for a partner.
- Select the Class of Counsel from the combo box labelled Class of Counsel.
- Select the Legal Service you want to specify its rates.
- Click Modify and then enter the appropriate rates depending on the policy in your firm; either Standard Rate, Rate Per Day or Rate Per Hour; You may define it for all if it fits your policy.
- Once you have finished, Click Save to save the record.
- Return to step 4 to specify rates for another service.
- Return to Step 3 to specify rates for another class of counsel.
Notice that there is no add button in the inset. This is because templates are created and initialised with zeros anytime a new class of counsel or a new legal service is added.
3 Law Office Manager
After you have created valid users of the software and introduced operational data as dictated in the previous chapter, you are now ready to use the software to assist in performing your duties.
On the main interface, click Law Office Management. This displays the interface below showing a snapshot/overview of the available facilities of the software. These facilities include (as labelled on the buttons)
Courts Manages Courts Information
Counsel/Lawyers Manages Counsel/Lawyers and Staff names
Clients (Full Details) Add/Modify clients full details
Cases (Full Details) Add/Modify cases full details
Work Scheduling Manage scheduling of activities for clients/cases
Information Search Search current and historical data for information
Reports and Statistics Manages reporting and generating statistics
Advanced Reports Manages reporting based on (clients, cases and activities)
Financials Invoicing and managing client’s accounts
Statistics Generating and reporting statistics
Information & Library Services Registers connection to external information and applications
Each of these functions will be dealt with in subsequent chapter.
4 Counsel and Courts Information
After you have started LAWMAN and introduced operational data, you are now ready to use it to manage information in your legal offices. You must, however, have the list of your lawyers and legal staff as well as list of all the various courts, and the presiding judges, you may be visiting.
4.1 Counsel And Legal Staff
- Click Law Office Management on the main interface.
- Click Counsel/Lawyers on the resulting interface. This displays the interface through which you enter new counsel/staff or modify information on existing staff.
- To add new details, Click Add, then enter the information on the text boxes.
- To modify existing details,
- Move to the record you want to modify,
- Click Modify and replace information in the text boxes as desired
- To discard the new entry/modification, Click Discard
- Click Save to save the information.
4.2 Courts and Causes of Action
The above procedure is the same to populate your system with the list of courts. Click Courts, in step 2 above, and enter courts information.
5 Clients Information
5.1 Entering And Modifying Clients Details
- Click Law Office Management on the main interface.
- Click Clients (Full Details) on the resulting interface. This displays the Clients Information form (below) through which you enter new clients or modify information on existing client’s. Notice that Clients Information button is highlighted with red colour
To add a new client to your list
- Click New Client on the bottom left corner of the Clients Information form.
- In the text boxes, enter
Clients Reg No: a unique identifier assigned to the client in your office
Date: the date the client registered for your legal services
Client Name the name of the client
- Click Contact Information tab, then enter contact information in the text boxes (optional)
- Click Bio Data tab and enter personal information of the client (optional).
- Click Extra Details tab and enter extra information on the client (optional).
- Click Assessment of Client tab and enter your assessment of the client (optional).
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
To modify existing client’s information
- Click Modify on the bottom left corner of the Clients Information form.
- Move to the client of interest using the navigation buttons at bottom of the form OR Click Locate at bottom of form and select the client of interest from the combo box list at top of the form.
Clients Reg No: a unique identifier assigned to the client in your office
Date: the date the client registered for your legal services
Client Name the name of the client
- Click Contact Information tab, then modify contact information in the text boxes (optional)
- Click Bio Data tab and modify personal information of the client (optional).
- Click Extra Details tab and modify extra information on the client (optional).
- Click Assessment of Client tab and modify your assessment of the client (optional).
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
The buttons at the bottom of the form perform the following functions
Refresh: Updates the record in display with new values if it has been changes
Requery: Same as Refresh but add new records that have been entered in the database since
the last requery
Discard: Discards the changes made to data on an existing record or new entries before you
Saved the changes/entries.
Locate: Clears the form and displays a combo list of clients from which you can select a
client of interest.
Preview: Previews a report on the client in focus
Print: Prints a report on the client in focus
Exit Removes the form from view
5.2 Other Information on Clients
You will notice several buttons on the left hand side of the Clients information form and that the button labelled Clients Information is highlighted when it is first opened, indicating that you can enter/modify client information such as contact information, bio data and assessments.
However, there are other pertinent information relating to the services and advise you provide your clients that need to be managed. Examples of such information managed in this software are; Co-Clients, cases of clients and information links (electronic information (letters, photos, etc) relating to the client).
5.2.1 Recording Co-Clients of a client
If there are co-clients along with the client you entered, you must enter the details in your database.
- On the Clients Information form, Click Co-Clients. This displays an inset through which you enter/modify co-clients details.
- Click Add to enter Co-Clients Details
- Enter information as indicated in the text boxes
- Click Save, to save the details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing details
- Replace current information with new entries
- Click Save to Save the Details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
5.2.2 Information Links: Linking electronic information to a client
- On the Clients Information form, Click Information Links. This displays an inset through which you enter/modify references to electronic information relating to the client..
- Click Add.
- Enter the synopsis/brief of the information
- Click the button Click To Link Document,
- Click Browse to navigate through your computer and the network for the document
Important: For networked implementations you must link to the document by accessing the document through the identity of the computer on the network. This ensures uniqueness of the location of the document on the network since a computer name is unique on the network. If you link a document via your normal c drive, for example, other users of LAWMAN on other computers on the network will not be able to access that document. The confusion would arise as to which c drive is the document located since all computers have a c drive.
- Select the document then click OK
- Click Save, to save the link.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing document link
- If required, change the synopsis/brief of the information to link
- If you want to select another document, click the button Click To Link Document,
- Click Browse to navigate through your computer and the network for the document
- Select the document then click OK
- Click Save, to save the link.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
5.2.3 Viewing cases/matters handled for client
To view cases handled for client, Click Cases of Client.
6 Cases/Matters Information
This section describes the procedures to record all relevant information on cases handled in your office. These include case details, judgments, assessments, co-plaintiffs, co-defendants, scheduled activities and linked information relating to the case. The procedures are similar to those for recording client’s information in the previous chapter.
6.1 Entering and Modifying Cases/Matters Information
- Click Law Office Management on the main interface.
- Click Cases/Matters (Full Details) on the resulting interface. This displays the Cases/Matters Information form (below) through which you enter primary information on new cases/matters files or modify information on existing files. Notice that Cases/Matters Information button is highlighted in red colour
6.1.1 To add a new case/matter to your databank
- Click New File on the bottom left corner of the Cases/Matters Information form.
- In the text boxes, enter
Client Name of the client
Case/Matters File Ref in your office File Reference in your office
Case No in Court (if in Court) Court Assigned case number
Date Date Case/Matter file was opened
- Click Case/Matters Details tab, then enter information on the case in the text boxes
- Click Judgment/Agreement Details tab and enter details relating to judgment if the case has been completed (optional).
- Click Miscellaneous tab and enter general information on the case (optional).
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
6.1.2 To modify existing case and matters file information
- Click Modify on the bottom left corner of the Cases Information form.
- Move to the case of interest using the navigation buttons at bottom of the form OR Click Locate at bottom of form and select the case of interest from the combo box list at top of the form.
- In the text boxes, if required you can replace the information in the text boxes on the interface and on the various tab pages.
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
6.1.3 To enter routine tasks to do on the case/matter
- Click Things To Do tab.
- Click Add on the bottom left corner of the tab page.
- Enter the tasks in the Notes/Task/ToDoList you want.
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
If the task has been performed, Click the check box labelled Done.
6.1.4 To enter file attachments indicating important documents held in your file
- Click Attachments tab.
- Click Add on the bottom left corner of the tab page.
- Enter
- Click Click to Link Document if the document is in electronic form on your server (ie. Scanned in for your reference). Browse for the document on the network and select it.
- Click Save to save the information in the database.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
The buttons at the bottom of the form perform the following functions
Refresh: Updates the record in display with new values if it has been changed.
Requery: Same as Refresh, but adds new records that have been entered in the database since the last update
Discard: Discards the changes made to data on an existing record or new entries before you Saved the changes.
Locate: Clears the form and displays a combo list of cases/matters files from which you can select a case/matter file of interest.
Preview: Previews a report on the case/matter in focus
Print: Prints a report on the case/matter in focus
Exit Removes the form from view
6.1.5 Recording Co Plaintiffs
- On the Cases Information form, Click Co Plaintiffs. This displays an inset through which you enter/modify co-plaintiffs details.
- Click Add to enter the record of a co-plaintiff.
- Enter information as indicated in the text boxes
- Click Save, to save the details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing co-plaintifss details
- Replace current information with new entries
- Click Save to Save the Details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
6.1.6 Recording Co Defendants
- On the Cases Information form, Click Co Defendants. And follow the steps 2 to 9 in previous section, 6.1.1
6.1.7 Recording Co Counsel
- On the Cases Information form, Click Co Counsel. And follow the steps 2 to 9 in previous section, 6.1.1
6.1.8 Recording Opposing Counsel
- On the Cases Information form, Click Opposing Counsel. And follow the steps 2 to 9 in previous section, 6.1.1.
6.1.9 Scheduling of Activities
- On the Cases Information form, Click Scheduling Of Activities. This displays an inset through which you enter/modify details.
- Click Add to enter the activity to be scheduled.
- Enter information as indicated in the text boxes
- Click Save, to save the details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing scheduled activity
- Replace current information with new entries
- Click Save to Save the Details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- If a schedule has been performed, click the option flag labelled Performed.
- This will remove the activity from the schedule, and put under Activities.
- Click Activities to display.
6.1.10 Recording Case/Matters Activities and Charging Clients Accounts
This records case activities that were not scheduled. Note that a scheduled activity that has been marked as performed automatically gets added to the case’s activity history. This will also be the case for diary tasks that have been marked as Done.
You can also charge the clients accounts directly from this interface once you have recorded the activity by clicking the appropriate button.
On the Cases Information form, Click Activities. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
Once you have recorded the case activity you can at this point charge the clients account with the cost of the service.
Click Modify.
Select the Charge Mode.
Enter No of hours for Rate Per Hour or the No of Days for Rate Per Day in text box labeled No of Hours/Days
Based on the above choices (and of the counsel in you changed it) the amount to be charged is automatically computed and displayed in the text box labeled AmountCharged. Optionally, you can change this amount charged if need be.
Click Save then Finish. The button Click to Charge Clients Account will be activated.
Click this button to automatically charge the clients account.
6.1.11 Recording File Endorsements on case/matters files
This provides the facility to record endorsements indicating the status of a case/matter. This captures the entries on the actual file that lawyers record the current status of the case/matter.
On the Cases Information form, Click File Endorsements. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
6.1.12 Recording Opinions And Assessments
The facility to enter opinions and assessments on a case/matter
On the Cases Information form, Click Opinions and Assessments. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
6.1.13 Recording Precedents
If the matter is in court, you may wish to cite the precedents in preparation for the case/matter.
On the Cases Information form, Click Precedents. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
6.1.14 Recording Connecting Files relating to Case/Matter in focus
On the Cases Information form, Click Connecting Files. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
6.1.15 Recording Transfers and Movements of Case
This handles movement of case from one court to another and/or one chamber to another.
On the Cases Information form, Click Transfers and Movements. Follow steps 2 to 9 in 6.1.5.
6.1.16 Information Links: Linking electronic information relating to case
- On the Cases Information form, Click Information Links. This displays an inset through which you enter/modify references to electronic information relating to the case/matter.
- Click Add.
- Enter the synopsis/brief of the information
- Click the button Click To Link Document,
- Click Browse to navigate through your computer and the network for the document
- Select the document then click OK
- Click Save, to save the link.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing document link
- If required, change the synopsis/brief of the information to link
- If you want to select another document, click the button Click To Link Document,
- Click Browse to navigate through your computer and the network for the document
- Select the document then click OK
Important: For networked implementations you must link to the document by accessing the document through the identity of the computer on the network. This ensures uniqueness of the location of the document on the network since a computer name is unique on the network. If you link a document via your normal c drive, for example, other users of LAWMAN on other computers on the network will not be able to access that document. The confusion would arise as to which c drive is the document located since all computers have a c drive.
- Click Save, to save the link.
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
7 Work Scheduling
After recording your clients and the cases you handle for them, you will, on a day-to-day basis, perform and schedule activities for the various clients and on the cases. Such activities may include meeting with client, hearings and filing papers in courts.
You should have entered the list of possible activities and services you provide for your clients in the Operational Data Setup module as Case Activities codes in Chapter 2. Section 2. If you have not at this juncture, return to Chapter 2 Section 2 and enter the Case Activities Codes
(Start LAWMAN->Click Operational Data Setup -> Click Operational Information – > Click Case Activities Codes).
7.1 Scheduling Activities, Reminders and Activities Search
- Click Law Office Management on the main interface.
- Click Work Schedulng on the resulting interface. This displays the form Scheduling of Legal Activities (below) through which you enter tasks to schedule.
7.1.1 Scheduling of Activities
- Click Schedule of Activities on the Scheduling of Legal Activities. This displays a form showing all pending schedule of activities complete with date to be performed and the counsel/staff responsible for its execution.
- You can order the list by the client or by case, depending on your preference, by clicking appropriate option button on the bottom left hand corner of the form
- Click Add to enter the activity to be scheduled.
- Enter information as indicated in the text boxes
- Click Save, to save the details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- Click Modify to modify existing scheduled activity
- Replace current information with new entries
- Click Save to Save the Details
- Click Finish to return to original state ready for new entry/modification
- If a schedule has been performed, click the option flag labelled Performed.
- This will remove the activity from the schedule (and put under Scheduled Activities Performed.)
If you want to see a full history of scheduled activities,
- Click Exit to return to previous interface
- Click History of Scheduled Activities.
7.1.2 Reminders of Scheduled Activities
When you start LAWMAN you will be prompted of
- a reminder of activities to be performed in the future
- the work schedule for the day
- a list of scheduled activities that have been missed
You can also view these information while operating LAWMAN by clicking Reminder of Pending Scheduled Activities or Scheduled Activities that have been missed on the Scheduling of Legal Activities interface
7.1.3 Searching for Scheduled Activities
- Click Scheduled Activities Search on the Scheduling of Legal Activities.
- Enter Search criteria in the available text and combo boxes.
- If required, extend the search by clicking Extend Search tab and enter extra criteria in the appropriate text boxes.
- If Required, further extend the search by clicking Extra Extend Search tab and enter extra criteria in the appropriate text boxes
- Click Search to display the search results on the list
- Click Preview or Print to preview or print the report on the search results
- Click Clear to clear the search criteria ready for another search.
- Click Exit to quit the remove the interface from focus.
For example, if you want to search for activities scheduled between 5th of January 2003 and 6th February 2003 then, in Step 2
Enter 30-Jun-2003 and 20-Jul-2003 in the text boxes labelled Scheduled Between Click Search and the activities that fall between the dates will be displayed in the list
If you want just activities involving court appearances within this period,
Click Extend Search tab
Select Court Appearance from the combo box labelled Activity
8 Searching for Information
The Information Search utility is the search engine of Law Office Manager. It provides the user with the ability to search for information of various categories such as clients information, cases information and case activities. The ability to cross-reference a name search across various categories of information is also provided by the search engine.
In brief, the utility offers the following types of search
- Clients Search
- Cases Search
- Legal Activities Search
- Scheduled Activities Search
- Information Cross-Referencing
To perform a search
- Click Law Office Management on the main interface.
- Click Information Search on the resulting interface. This displays the form Information Search Utility interface (below).
- Click the type of search you want from the available choices
The appropriate interface will be displayed and you should enter your search criteria and execute the search. The procedures for the various types of searches are similar and will be dealt with in subsequent sections.
8.1 Clients Search
- Click Clients Search on the Information Search form: This displays the interface below
- Enter/select information in the text boxes on the Standard Search tab to specify your search criteria
- If required, Click Extended Search and enter information in the text boxes to extend your search criteria
- Click Search to execute the search. The search results will be displayed as a list on the Search Results frame and you will be prompted with the number of records found.
- Click OK to remove the message
- Double-click on any of the search results record to view full details of the client
- Click Display, to display appropriate interface showing the list or full details of all the search results.
- Click Preview or Print to preview a report of the search result of the screen or print the report on your printer.
- To clear the search criteria and prepare for your next search, click Clear.
8.2 Cases Search
- Click Cases Search on the Information Search form: This displays the interface below
- Enter/select information in the text boxes on the Standard Search tab to specify your search criteria
- If required, Click Extended Search and enter information in the text boxes to extend your search criteria
- Click Search to execute the search. The search results will be displayed as a list on the Search Results frame and you will be prompted with the number of records found.
- Click OK to remove the message
- Double-click on any of the search results record to view full details of the case.
- Click Display, to display appropriate interface showing the list or full details of all the search results.
- Click Preview or Print to preview a report of the search result of the screen or print the report on your printer.
8.3 Legal Activities Search
In this section your search is on the databank containing the history of activities/services you have rendered on your clients and cases. The procedure is also similar.
- Click Legal Activities Search on the Information Search form: This displays the interface below
- Enter/select information in the text boxes on the Standard Search tab to specify your search criteria
- If required, Click Extended Search and enter information in the text boxes to extend your search criteria
- Click Search to execute the search. The search results will be displayed as a list on the Search Results frame and you will be prompted with the number of records found.
- Click OK to remove the message
- Double-click on any of the search results record to view full details of the activity.
- Click Display, to display appropriate interface showing the list or full details of all the search results.
- Click Preview or Print to preview a report of the search result of the screen or print the report on your printer.
- To clear the search criteria and prepare for your next search, click Clear.
8.4 Scheduled Activities Search
Involves searching on the history of activities/services that are scheduled including those pending and performed. This has been dealt with in Chapter 7.1.3. The procedure and interface is similar to that for Legal Activities search
8.5 Information Cross-Referencing
The Information Cross-Referencing utility is a powerful utility that you employ to obtain a global view of an entity with respect to the activities of your firm. In any law practice, central to the
activities are entities such as clients, plaintiffs, defendants, counsel and judges that form the bulk of your information. Thus, you may want to know for example if you have any information on a particular person or company and how that may have interacted with your firm in the past.
For example, what is the word “Solid” to your firm?. Is it a client, plaintiff, defendant or a firm of lawyers or a judge in any of your cases. This facility gives you the answer by cross-referencing “Solid” with all possible current and historical data in your databank.
- Click Information Cross Referencing on the Information Search form: This displays the interface above
- Enter the information that will form the basis of cross-referencing (e.g. “Solid” as in our example) in the text box labelled Information on the Standard Search tab.
- If required, Click Extended Cross Referencing and click option button(s) indicating information you want to extend the cross-reference (see interface below).
- Click Search to execute the search. The search results will be displayed as a list on the Search Results frame and you will be prompted with the number of records found.
- Click OK to remove the message
- Double-click on any of the search results record to view full details of the information.
- Click Display, to display appropriate interface showing the list or full details of all the search results.
- Click Preview or Print to preview a report of the search result of the screen or print the report on your printer.
- To clear the search criteria and prepare for your next search, click Clear.
9 Reports
9.1 Standard Reports (Not Available in Standard Version)
When you click Reports on the Law Office Management interface, the Standard Reports interface (below) will be displayed.
You can quickly print or preview reports based on the year and/or month of preference. The choices are Clients List, Defendants Particulars, Plaintiffs Particulars, Cases Opened, Cases Completed, Monthly Returns of Cases, Returns of Case by Counsel, List of Courts, List of Legal Staff and List of Offences.
- Enter the year of interest in the box labelled Year.
- Optionally, Enter/Select the month of interest in/from the box labelled Month.
- Click the button indicating the report to preview/print.
- A preview of the report will be displayed on the screen.
- To print the report
a. Select Print from the General menu.
- press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Select the Printer.
- Enter or select the pages or range of pages.
- Click Ok to send the report for printing.
9.2 Advanced Reports (available as Reports in Standard Version)
With the Advanced Reports facility, you can print/preview reports for the specific Client(s), Case(s)/Matter(s) and Cases/Matters and Scheduled Activities, for example.
- Click Advanced Reports (or Reports in Standard Version) on the Law Office Management interface, the Advanced Reports interface (below) will be displayed.
- Click Reports On Cases or Reports on Clients or Reports on Cases and Scheduled Activities or Reports on Diary Tasks and Reports on Trade Marks and Patents as desired.
- The appropriate interface will be displayed and you select the report, specify your criteria for printing and then print/preview the report.
9.2.1 Reports on Clients
- Click Advanced Reports on the Law Office Management interface, the Advanced Reports interface will be displayed.
- Click Reports on Clients. The interface above will be displayed.
- Select the report from the list on the combo box labelled Select Report.
Reports on Clients
Cases Handled For Client
Clients Details – Brief
Clients Details – FullDetails
Clients Details – Standard
Clients List
Clients List Grouped by Year and Month
List of Counsel
List of Courts
List of Offences
- Specify your criteria on the tab labelled Standard Criteria.
- If you want to extend the criteria further, click Extend Criteria tab and specify extra criteria on the available text boxes.
- Click Preview to preview the report on the screen. You may be prompted to select from a list of choices of the report. Respond appropriately.
- To print from this preview,
a. Select Print from the General menu.
- press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Select the Printer.
- Enter or select the pages or range of pages.
- Click Ok to send the report for printing.
- Click Print to print report directly on the printer, without previewing.
9.2.2 Reports on Cases/Matters
- Click Advanced Reports on the Law Office Management interface, the Advanced Reports interface will be displayed.
- Click Reports on Cases. The interface above will be displayed.
Report on Cases
Accused Particulars List
Accused Particulars List (Grouped by Year,Location and Month)
Case Details – Brief
Case Details – FullDetails
Case Details – Standard
Cases Completed List (Grouped by Year,Location and Month)
Cases List
Cases List (Grouped by Case Status,Year and Month)
Cases List (Grouped by Results Status,Year and Month)
Cases List (Grouped by Year and Month)
Cases List (Grouped by Year,Location and Month)
Clients Particulars
Clients Particulars List (Grouped by Year,Location and Month)
List of Counsel
List of Courts
List of Offences
- Specify your criteria on the tab labelled Standard Criteria.
- If you want to extend the criteria further, click Extend Criteria tab and specify extra criteria on the available text boxes.
- If you want to extend the date criteria further, click Extend Date Criteria tab and specify extra date criteria on the available text boxes.
- Click Preview to preview the report on the screen. You may be prompted to select from a list of choices of the report. Respond appropriately.
- To print from this preview,
a. Select Print from the General menu.
- press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Select the Printer.
- Enter or select the pages or range of pages.
- Click Ok to send the report for printing.
- Click Print to print report directly on the printer, without previewing.
9.2.3 Reports on Activities
- Click Advanced Reports on the Law Office Management interface, the Advanced Reports interface will be displayed.
- Click Reports on Activities. The interface above will be displayed.
- Select the report from the list on the combo box labelled Select Report.
Reports on Activities (Standard)
Cases Activity History
Cases Activity History (Group By Case)
Cases Activity History (Group By Counsel)
Cases Activity History (Group By Year and Month)
List of Counsel
List of Courts
List of Offences
Reminder of Missed Scheduled of Activities/Tasks
Reminder of Scheduled Activities/Tasks
Schedule of Activities for Applicant/Client
Schedule of Activities for Cases
Schedule of Activities for Counsel/LegalStaff
Scheduled Activity History
Scheduled Activity History (Group By Application/Client)
Scheduled Activity History (Group By Case)
Scheduled Activity History (Group By Counsel/LegalStaff)
Scheduled Activity History (Group By Year and Month)
- Specify your criteria on the tab labelled Standard Criteria.
- If you want to extend the criteria further, click Extend Criteria tab and specify extra criteria on the available text boxes.
- Click Preview to preview the report on the screen. You may be prompted to select from a list of choices of the report. Respond appropriately.
- To print from this preview,
a. Select Print from the General menu.
- press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Click Print to print report directly on the printer, without previewing.
Reports on Diary Tasks and Reports on Trade Marks and Patents follow similar procedures.
10 Statistics
This facility is not available in standard and corporate versions.
10.1 Generating and Viewing Statistics
- Click Statistics on the Law Office Management interface, the Generate and View Statistics interface will be displayed.
- Enter the year for which you want to assess statistics in the box labelled Year.
- Click Generate Statistics Template to prepare the template for which to compute statistics, if a template does not exist.
- Click Compute Statistics.
10.1.1 Statistics for the year
To display the statistics for the year,
- Click View Statistics for the Year to display the statistics for the year on the screen (below).
- Click Preview to preview the report on the screen. You may be prompted to select from a list of choices of the report. Respond appropriately.
- To print from this preview,
a. Select Print from the General menu.
- press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Select the Printer.
- Enter or select the pages or range of pages.
- Click Ok to send the report for printing.
10.1.2 Statistics to date
To display the statistics to date,
- Click View Statistics to Date to display the statistics for the year to date on the screen (below).
- Click Preview to preview the report on the screen. You may be prompted to select from a list of choices of the report. Respond appropriately.
- To print from this preview,
b. Select Print from the General menu.
- Press Ctrl + P on the keyboard if you want control over the pages or range of pages to print and of the printer to send the report.
- On the print interface displayed.
- Select the Printer.
- Enter or select the pages or range of pages.
- Click Ok to send the report for printing.
- Click Print to print report directly on the printer, without previewing.
11 Financials: Invoicing and Managing Clients Accounts
Law Office Manager software provides the facility to generate invoices for your clients with the added facility to precisely itemise the activities and services you provided to the client relating to the invoice/bill.
Incorporated in the system is the facility to manage client’s accounts with your firm, since it is common practice for law firms to handle financial transactions on behalf of clients. Comprehensive details of all financial transactions made on behalf of the client are recorded in history and balances of the account obtainable at an instant.
The procedures to perform these functions are straightforward, and are dealt with in this chapter.
Click Financial on the Law Office Management interface to display the interface depicted below.
Observe the facilities
- Invoicing, to invoice clients
- Clients Accounts and Statements to directly charge and monitor clients accounts
- Accounts Reports for printing and previewing accounts reports
11.1 Invoicing Clients
The form/interface for creating invoices is depicted below. At a glance you can see that it is designed to itemise the details of charges and an itemised list of the services you have provided relating to the bill. The invoice total is also automatically converted into words ensuring clarity and authenticity of you bill.
11.1.1 Raising Invoices
To raise an invoice for a client:
- Click Financials on the Law Office Management interface
- Click Invoicing from the resulting interface. This displays the Invoicing form (above)
- Click New Invoice to create a new invoice
- Enter Date of invoice, Invoice Ref No, Client Name and where to send invoice to (if different from client)
- Click Save to save the invoice.
- To add itemised list of the invoice details
- Click Add on the Invoice Details tab
- Enter the Description of the invoice item
- Enter the Amount
- Repeat for all the invoice details.
- To record all the legal services and activities that make up this invoice, Click Attach Activities tab (see form below)
- Click Add on the Attach Activities tab
- Enter/Select the activities on the combo box for all activities you want to record (Note that only activities relating to the client will be selectable)
- Click Save to save the entry
- Repeat for all activities to attach
- You can print or preview the invoice in focus by clicking Print Or Preview.
You follow similar procedure to modify existing invoice details, by locating/moving to the invoice of interest, click Modify and proceed to change existing details.
11.1.2 Searching Invoices Databank
This provides a search engine for invoices and is similar to the searches (for clients, cases and activities) dealt with in earlier chapters.
- Click Financials on the Law Office Management interface
- Click Invoices Search on the resulting interface to display the Invoices Search form (below)
- Enter the search criteria in the text boxes on the Standard Search On Invoices tab.
- Click Search to display the search results on the Search Results list
- To view full details on any invoice, Double-Click on the particular invoice on the list.
- Click Preview or Print to preview or print the report on the search results
- Click Clear to clear the search criteria ready for another search.
- Click Exit to quit the remove the interface from focus.
For example, if you want to search for invoices raised for a client.
- Enter/Select the clients name in the box labelled Clients Name
- Click Search and the results will be displayed on the list along with the number of invoices found.
- Double-click on any invoice on the list to see full details.
- OR Click Print or Preview to print or preview the reports on the invoices found
- OR Click Display to display the invoices on form on the screen.
11.2 Managing Clients Accounts
Every financial transaction done on behalf of the client is recorded in your databank to ensure integrity of information in client’s financial statements with your firm. Each transaction is stamped with a charge code, instrument type, date and the details of the transaction. The charge codes and instrument types should have been entered into your system via the Operational Data facility dealt with in Chapter 2.
You can add to these charge codes and instrument types, if required, via
Main Interface -> Operational Data -> Operational Information -> Charge Codes
Main Interface -> Operational Data -> Operational Information -> Financial Instrument The respective forms, with standard entries, are depicted below.
11.2.1 Charging Clients Accounts
- Click Financials on the Law Office Management interface
- Click Clients Accounts And Statements on the resulting interface to display the Client Account Charging form (below)
- Enter/Select the client from the box labelled Client. The list of all transactions of the client and the balance on the account will be displayed.
- Enter/Select the charge code from the box labelled Charge Code
- Enter the Date of transaction (if different from the default shown)
- Enter the Amount
- Enter the instrument type in box labelled Instrument
- Enter the instrument reference number in Instrument Ref (eg, cheque no, draft no, invoice number)
- Enter the details of the transaction in box labelled Details
- If required, enter miscellaneous details in Extra Details
- Click Post to update the client’s account.
- The transaction will appear immediately on the list and the balance on the account automatically updated.
- As usual you can print or preview the client’s account report by clicking Print or Preview and follow the usual steps to generate the report.
For example if 2′ AREG MINING LIMITED deposited N151,000.00 with you with Cheque No 34002
- Select 2′ AREG MINING LIMITED from Client
- Select DEPOSIT as the charge code
- Enter 255000.00 as Amount
- Enter Cheque and Instrument and 34002 as Instrument ref
- Click Post.
See interface below
11.3 Accounts Reports
You can view all financial reports from this facility.
- Click Accounts Reports on the Financials interface
- Select the reports to preview or print.
- Select and/or enter the criteria to filter the report by specifying on the Standard Criteria
- Click Preview or Print to preview the report on the screen or print the report on the printer.
12 Other Services
An extension to LAWMAN is the capability to launch applications external it without having to exit LAWMAN. This facility is provided via the Information & Library Services utility, through which you register the service (e.g. law reports and indexes on cds, library information service such as a library automation software or the Internet etc).
- Click Information & Library Services from the Law Office Management interface.
- Click Register to register a new service.
- Enter the service
- Enter \ Locate the link to the service.
- Click Save and the Finish.
- To modify, click Modify Register and follow steps 3-5.
- To launch the service click “Click to Run Service” by the service you require