How is your company closing its skills gap? We want to know!

How is your company closing its skills gap? We want to know!

Take this quick, multiple choice survey and tell us how your company uses technology to build its workforce and help employees advance their careers.


Image: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

As technology evolves, the demand for advanced skills will only increase–unless businesses find ways to catch up. 

TechRepublic contributor Esther Shein writes in “Up to 12.5 million Americans could struggle to find work in 2030 due to a growing skills gap” that according to a joint report, “The Future of Jobs in the Era of AI,” released by Faethm and Boston Consulting Group, “there is a strong need to redeploy, upskill or reskill people: In the U.S., for every six jobs that are being automated or augmented by new technologies, one additional job will be needed to develop, implement and run those new technologies.”

How are companies educating, retraining, or upskilling their workforce? TechRepublic Premium is doing a survey to find out. If you’re familiar with your company’s strategy for employee learning and development we want to hear from you.

Take the Building a digital workforce survey

Do your employees have opportunities for retraining or upskilling? Has the coronavirus pandemic made the need for such educational initiatives more important at your company?  What types of training or skills focus has your company offered? Take the Building a digital workforce survey and let us know. 

The survey contains 15 multiple choice questions, and should take less than five minutes to complete. Responses will be compiled in an upcoming special feature report, which will examine technology’s role in helping business leaders build the workforce of tomorrow and workers keep their skills up to date and grow their careers.

Take the Building a digital workforce survey

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