How will 5G impact your company’s edge-computing plans? We want to know.

How will 5G impact your company’s edge-computing plans? We want to know.

Take this short, multiple choice survey and tell us how 5G will affect your company’s use of edge computing.


Image: iStockphoto/metamorworks

Not only does 5G deliver high-bandwidth and low latency wireless data transmission, but the technology is set to play a crucial role in edge computing. 

When combined with edge computing, 5G has the potential to provide near real-time connectivity for network devices, such as SCADA systems, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, drones, autonomous cars, and much more. 

How exactly the enterprise is taking advantage of network edge 5G computing solutions is the focus of an upcoming TechRepublic Premium survey.  

If you’re familiar with how your company is making 5G part of its edge-computing plans, we want to hear from you. 

Take the 5G: What it means for edge computing survey now.

The survey contains six or fewer multiple choice questions, plus a few demographic questions, and should take less than five minutes to complete. 

You’ll be asked questions about what 5G and edge computing technologies your company uses or plans to use, and how 5G will affect your company’s use of edge computing in the next 12 months and next five years. 

Results from the survey will be used in an upcoming TechRepublic Premium special report. 

Visit the TechRepublic Premium 5G: What it means for edge computing survey.

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