Poland Invests $760 Million To Improve Its Cybersecurity Defenses

Poland Invests $760 Million To Improve Its Cybersecurity Defenses

Tyler Cross Tyler Cross
Published on: June 27, 2024 Senior Writer

Poland invested $760 million into its national cybersecurity defenses after hackers used the official Polish Press Agency website to disseminate misinformation.

“Everything indicates that we are dealing with a cyberattack that was directed from the Russian side,” declares Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski. “The goal: disinformation before the elections, paralyzing society, showing that Russia can interfere in the elections in Poland today.”

On May 31, the Polish Press Agency released a story declaring a partial mobilization of the Polish army. This would essentially draft people who fit certain conditions into the Polish military.

According to the article, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk ordered the mobilization to begin on July 1. Russia’s goal was to let the article spread around as long as possible to provoke an outrage by Polish citizens.

Fortunately, the article was quickly taken down and Gawkawski posted on X to inform people that it simply isn’t true.

“The message [from] @PAPinformacje regarding partial mobilization is false. We have started urgently investigating the matter. Everything points to a cyberattack and planned disinformation! I will keep you updated on further arrangements.”

Following the attack, Poland is using its investment to create a “Cyber Shield” to help prevent attacks. Gawkowski believes that strong national defenses will show the world that Poland is a key leader in cybersecurity and can protect its people.

The Cyber Shield will provide the nation with stronger defenses against foreign attacks, namely from Russia, by handling basic security reviews and protecting critical infrastructure. For years, Russia has launched constant fierce cyber attacks on Poland.

“Today, Poland is on the frontline of the cyber fight against Russia. Poland has the most attacks. (Russia) has one goal — to destabilize the situation and ensure that the forces supporting the breakup of the EU can benefit,” explains Gawkowski.

Russia hasn’t put forth any statements on the matter.

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