Global emissions of heat-trapping methane hit record high

New analysis has revealed that emissions of methane, a particularly potent greenhouse gas, have now hit record highs, with the surge being driven in large part by increases in the burning of fossil fuels and increasing agricultural activity.

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Scattering rock dust on crops could soak up billions of tons of CO2

A new study out of the University of Sheffield makes a case for a geoengineering technique known as enhanced rock weathering, which essentially involves supercharging soil’s ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere by sprinkling it with rock dust.

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Boron nitiride catalyst destroys toxic PFAS “forever chemicals”

Rice University researchers have happened upon a powerful new tool they say can neutralize the threat posed by dangerous pollutants known as "forever" chemicals, offering a new catalyst that can destroy them in a matter of hours.

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Zaps of electricity clean up wastewater from biofuel production

Making biofuel from algae is showing promise as a green energy source, but it does create large amounts of toxic wastewater. Now, researchers in Australia have found a way to clean up that wastewater, with a simple and scalable electrical process.

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Monster lightning “megaflashes” set new records for time and distance

There are few more spectacular demonstrations of nature's power than a thunderstorm. The World Meteorological Association (WMO) has now confirmed two new records for the biggest lightning bolts in recorded history, measured by duration and distance.

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Study shows nanoplastics can build up in plants and stunt their growth

That tiny plastic fragment exists in soil is perhaps not so surprising, but researchers have now conducted one of the first studies on what this means for plant life, finding that it can reduce the total biomass of the finished product.

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Study suggests that stiffer roads would improve trucks’ mileage

Everyone knows that walking on soft sand is more difficult than walking on a hard sidewalk. By that same token, MIT scientists are now suggesting that if road surfaces were to be made stiffer, large trucks would use less fuel.

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Feeding coral probiotics found to boost their chances of survival

Scientists are exploring many options when it comes to shoring up the wellbeing of coral reefs in the face of warming waters, and an international team of researchers is putting forward another possibility, showing how probiotics can boost their health and chances of survival.

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“Magnetic sponge” MOF captures carbon with record energy efficiency

One area where metal organic frameworks have real potential is in the field of carbon capture, which a team of researchers has demonstrated with a sponge-like device that adsorbs CO2 using just a third of the energy required by other methods.

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Study finds sixth mass extinction accelerating at unprecedented rate

Back in 2015 scientists published a paper outlining what they perceived as a sixth mass extinction event. Researchers have now provided an update in the form of a new study that has found the rate of extinctions is increasing at an unprecedented rate.

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