Sight of mouthwatering meals triggers inflammation linked to diabetes

The sight of a mouthwatering dish can certainly be enough to send our senses into overdrive, and a new study has demonstrated how the mechanisms behind this may play an important role in type 2 diabetes.

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Baldness discovery paints molecule as potent stimulator of new hair growth

Scientists probing the intricate machinery behind hair growth have uncovered a previously unknown role for a signaling molecule, whose messages were found to be critical to new growth and could be leveraged to address hair loss in humans.

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Common bone density scan can predict later-life dementia risk

Researchers can now assess a person’s risk of developing late-life dementia using data from a common type of bone density scan. The study revealed calcification within the abdominal aorta can double one’s risk of developing dementia over the age of 80.

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Cold temperatures induce anti-inflammatory molecule that counters obesity

Researchers continue to unravel the complex role inflammation plays in obesity, now demonstrating how cold temperatures can stimulate the release of a molecule that reverses this type of inflammation and reduces body weight in mice.

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New gene editing tool reduces errors by nicking DNA not cutting

As important as CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing is, it has a relatively high error rate, which can introduce potentially harmful mutations. German researchers have now developed a more refined tool that reduces errors by nicking DNA instead of cutting it.

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Graphene electronic-tattoo monitors blood pressure over time

Scientists have developed a new electronic “tattoo” that can monitor a patient’s blood pressure continuously. The e-tattoo is made of graphene and can be worn for long periods without getting in the way, allowing for better health data.

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New cryoprotectant chemicals could preserve organs without ice damage

Getting an organ from donor to recipient is a race against time, with many going to waste. Now, researchers in Australia have identified new cryoprotectants that could preserve organs and tissues for much longer without damaging them.

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Merino wool bandages deliver breathable, biodegradable healing

We've seen a number of odd merino wool products over the years, but that didn't prepare us for wool bandages. New Zealand's WoolAid says that its natural bandages are better for healing and better for the environment.

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1 in 500 men may carry extra chromosome, raising risk of some diseases

A comprehensive genetic analysis has found that one in 500 men have an extra sex chromosome, with most unaware. That’s much higher than previously thought, and it seems to increase their risk of diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

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