Clot-busting “millirobots” corkscrew their way through blood vessels

While some blood clots can be removed via a tool that's inserted into the affected vein or artery, others are harder to reach. Those other clots could one day be treated using "millirobots" that auger their way through the patient's blood vessels.

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Cardboard boxes could be upcycled into EPS foam alternative

Thanks to online shopping, an increasing number of goods are being shipped to buyers in cardboard boxes filled with eco-unfriendly EPS (expanded polystyrene) foam. Soon, however, such boxes could be upcycled into a greener alternative to EPS.

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Some stars could swallow black holes – here’s how we can find them

Black holes are famous for gobbling up everything – but could they ever be swallowed whole? A new study suggests stars could capture very small black holes. There might even be a way to find them, and if so, they could help us understand dark matter.

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Single-dose inhaled dry powder vaccine may replace arm jabs

Researchers have developed a powdered vaccine that's inhaled directly into the lungs for an effective immune response. The vaccine can deliver multiple antigens, meaning one dose could provide broad-spectrum protection against several respiratory viruses.

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Induction welding joins metal foams without cramping their style

Composite metal foams (CMFs) offer big advantages over traditional solid metal. And while the welding of CMFs usually poses some challenges, it has now been been discovered that the use of an alternative type of welding works like a charm.

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Tantalum cold spray boosts potential of fusion reactor chambers

The insides of nuclear fusion reactors are violent and chaotic places. A new cold-spray coating can take the heat and also trap some rogue hydrogen particles at the same time, potentially making for smaller, better plasma chambers.

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Mind-reading BrainGPT converts thought-of words into displayed text

There may be new hope for stroke victims and other "locked-in" people who are unable to communicate by conventional means. It comes in the form of the experimental new BrainGPT system, which is able to read users' thoughts and convert them into readable text.

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Solar wind vanishes completely, causing Mars’ magnetosphere to swell

The solar wind is constant in the solar system – except on Christmas Day 2022 when it suddenly vanished completely. The event was detected by a NASA spacecraft orbiting Mars, which found that the Red Planet’s magnetosphere tripled in size in response.

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Under-skin implant reverses type 1 diabetes without anti-rejection drugs

Researchers developed a technique to implant a device containing insulin-secreting cells in a pocket under the skin, reversing diabetes in mice without the need for anti-rejection drugs. It could one day provide an alternative to insulin injections.

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Double-action solar tower promises clean energy all day and night

Researchers in Jordan and Qatar have come up with a remarkable design for a "twin technology solar system" capable of generating clean energy 24/7. This double-action design promises more than twice as much energy as a standard solar updraft tower.

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