Pass the CAPM exam on your first try with a virtual training class from Master of Project

Learn what Master of Project has to offer for the utmost exam preparation. Image: mnirat/Adobe Stock The Certified Associate in Project Management exam, better known by its abbreviation CAPM, gives…

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The 3 pillars of a successful tech leadership career: Experience, curiosity and creativity

Image: iStockphoto/fizkes Must-read CXO coverage There is tremendous value in learning how to code, but it’s not the be-all and end-all to a career in tech. In fact, it can…

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Most technology purchases come with high degree of regret, Gartner says

Image: Unsplash Fifty-six percent of organizations experience a high degree of regret over their largest tech-related purchases, a new Gartner survey says. Buyer’s remorse is causing frustrations and is linked…

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Best tech products and most innovative AI/ML companies of 2022

TechRepublic contributing writers ranked the best tech in multiple categories, including VPNs, password managers, and headsets, as well as AI/ML companies. Image: Jacob Lund/Adobe Stock We asked some of TechRepublic’s…

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