Colin Thierry
Published on: December 9, 2021
Telegram now provides content protection support with its latest monthly update, according to a Dec. 7 blog post by the company. This security and privacy feature will enable users to block other users from saving or forwarding posts shared in groups or channels.
Content protection support will also ensure that media posted on Telegram only remains available to the audience users initially share it with.
In order to enable the feature, Group and Channel owners have to restrict message forwarding in their chats, block screenshotting via Android security policies, and remove the option to save media from posts.
“With this update, we’re helping creators protect the content they publish on Telegram and ensure that it is available only for their intended audience,” Telegram said in its blog post.
Along with content protection support, Telegram said users are now allowed to delete posts by date, manage connected devices, and post anonymously in public groups and channel comment sections.
“Telegram users have complete control over their digital footprint and can delete any messages from a conversation at any time,” Telegram said. “With this update, you can clear chat history from a specific day or date range in any one-on-one chat.”
Additionally, Telegram will offer some Android and iPhone users the option to receive a login call from Telegram instead of getting codes from text messages. This allows users to more securely confirm their identities by entering several digits from the phone number that called instead of simply receiving an SMS message.
This new update also added support for responses to join requests, global chat themes on Android (iOS users received this in a previous update), and text recognition starting at iOS 13 (enabled for photos in Telegram chats). Also, Telegram redesigned contact info on iOS and the option to format Text captions in media (such as using bold or italics) on iOS — Android already has this feature.
Telegram is a free messaging app that works on phones, tablets and computers, has over 500 million active users, and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world.
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