LibPlus Limited
Total Office Management System,
A Software Suite for Personnel & Payroll Administration, Pensions, Budgeting and Financial Administration, and Inventory Control
Towards Transparency And Accountability In The Management of Resources
TOM-S enables efficient management of your financial and human resources
TOM-S fosters transparency and accountability in your organisation
TOM-S is an investment in the right direction.
1 Total Office Management System, TOM-S 3
1.1.1 What does TOM-S offer ? 3
1.6 Clients and TOM-S Implementations 14
1.7 How did we come about the idea of TOM-S 14
Total Office Management System, TOM-S
TOM-S stands for Total Office Management System, a business software application suite designed to computerise the key operations of Personnel Administration, Finance and Accounting and Inventory Control. TOM-S was conceived as an answer to effective and efficient resource management in a period when accountability, transparency and public relevance is strategic to the survival of a business/institution. TOM-S offers you the capacity to stay relevant in today’s environment.
Various configurations and platforms of TOM-S are available to choose from to meet your size, needs, environment, affordability and technological investment. From the standard multi-user desktop TOM-S solution to the high valued client\server based TOM-S solutions. Over the years, TOM-S has been replacing legacy business software systems as well as manual and semi-manual systems that have not been flexible and have limitations in scalability, and limitations in exploiting advancements in IT, and in responding to needs to refocus business strategy.
What does TOM-S offer?
TOM-S coordinates key activities in your organization, for example.
- Staff Profiling
- Staff Appraisal
- Staff Auditing
- Training
- Leave
- Promotions and Appointments
- Discipline
- Gratuity Assessment
- Salaries
- Claims & Deductions
- Loans Management
- Budgeting
- Payment Vouchering
- Accounts Preparation/Final Accounts
- Auditing
- Inventory Control
TOM-S tailors its functionality to the units and departments that perform these activities to provide a unified approach to planning and decision-making.
TOM-S seamlessly facilitates transfer of information between these units and departments, thereby minimising multiple entries of the information in situations where the same information are required to carry out the several activities.
Staff Profiles
TOM-S offers the capability to gather a wide spectrum of information on each member of staff, including employment data and bio data, photographs, details spouses, children and next of kin, children, details language proficiency, academic and professional records, records of appointments, promotions, & postings, leave records, training, gratuity and pension information. With this information, and the unlimited scope to continually update the details, an accurate and up-to-date profile of all your employees is built in your database.
You can use it to determine staff profiles that fit a particular assignment or post, which employee needs training and plan reorganization of a department.
Assuming you have just been employed as a new manager in an admin department TOM-S will offer you a panoramic view of the organisation’s staff profile within days by browsing through information in your TOM-S database without recourse to hard copy files. From this it is clear that you can begin to plan and strategise, since you would have had a personal feel of the organisations staff even though you would have met only very few of them.
Staff Appraisal
It is customary to assess the progress and performance of your employees from at regular intervals. TOM-S provides a comprehensive framework to capture staff appraisal information, without restriction to the intervals you chose to perform them.
The scope of information you capture in TOM-S staff appraisal module also offers a useful medium for you to appraise how well your organisation performs in developing its staff, the perception of your staff about the organization, career development plans and strategy and even salient qualities and abilities of each of your staff..
Staff Auditing
In many institutions, particularly those with a large workforce, staff audits are instituted at some intervals to revalidate the integrity of information on the workforce and to acquire extra information on staff. TOM-S provides a simple facility to do this quickly and efficiently by using staff profile information already available.
Training requirements, plans and history of your employees are recorded and analysed in TOM-S. Training details captured for each employee includes type of training, dates and duration, commencement dates and brief content of the courses as well as providing for feedback from staff returning from the courses.
With these information you can easily view and print training schedules, estimate availability of staff at specific periods, assess the suitability of the course(s) to your career development strategy, appraise the history of development and skill acquisition of each member of staff and even obtain an indication of the associated cost of developing each staff.
Managing leave issues in an organization appears simple. However, staff going on leave means they are not available for work and this has an impact on work scheduling as it requires reorganizing staff to ensure that the tasks of those on leave is done affectively while they are away. What complicates staff availability issues further is that in many cases employees prefer to take their leave in installments during the year and that sick and casual leave cannot be anticipated.
TOM-S provides relief in this area. You can record the dates when each member of staff wants to take their mandatory leave and in what installments. You can then anticipate staff availability problems early and plan in the future for any necessary reorganization. All types of leave categories (sick, casual, annual, etc) are catered for in TOM-S and the facility is provided to reflect leave allowance payments directly in payroll.
Promotions and Appointments
TOM-S provides the facility to record the history of appointments, posting and promotions of employees, and when this impacts on staff emoluments it is automatically reflected in payroll.
This feature combined with staff appraisal information, training records, disciplinary records and academic and professional records provide a unified overview and platform to assess promotions requirements within your organization. With accurate and up-to-date information in TOM-S all relevant data required will be at hand.
Disciplinary history of an employee is important information required to complete the profile of the employee. With TOM-S you can record all warnings, queries and cautions that have been issued to the employee, thus providing information on appraising the personality of the employee and suitability for certian positions, appointments and assignments.
TOM-S also offers the facility to record all commendations given to each employee such as awards (internally, outside the organization) and recommendations about the employee, further informing personality appraisal of that employee.
Gratuity Assessment
At the end of a working career come retirement or an employee may wish to voluntarily disengage from the service to the organization. Gratuity and pension issues need to be assessed and payments terms organized.
TOM-S handles this easily. Since the history of service and other relevant financial information of each employee are in the TOM-S database and is up-to-date, information needed to assess and compute gratuity and pension quickly and accurately is readily available and is integrated with payroll computations.
Salaries computation is one key activity that must be carried out and payments made to each employee at a scheduled time at the end of each month. Even for a workforce as low as 50, preparing salaries can be a complex and arduous schedule particularly if the process is still largely manual or if the procedures are not well organised. Delays in payments, errors in the computations and even omission of claims can result in an unhappy workforce with loss of motivation and dedication to work.
TOM-S facilitates computations of salaries extremely well. TOM-S allows you to define payscales, tax rates, tax reliefs, tax computation procedures and overtime rates and uses them to compute salaries. The procedure is fully automated and flexible to handle changes in employee status, promotions, leave claims and a wealth of other welfare issues and services that impact on payroll.
Amongst the wealth of reports that can be printed out at the end of each month from TOM-S are the payslips, payroll summary reports, payment schedules to banks, claims and deductions analysis and tax remittances to government reports.
Claims & Deductions
Payroll preparation is not simple.
All types of claims must be reflected in payroll such as arrears claims, overtime, transport claims, leave allowances, allowances personal to postings or assignments such as hazard allowances and special duty allowances, just to name a few. Collating, processing and auditing these information each month is a time consuming process that is prone to errors and omissions. The situation is further complicated since it is usual that each employee’s situation will be different from month to month.
Deductions such as taxes, loan deductions, union contributions, contributions to pension or housing funds and a host of other deductions also need to be effected in payroll.
What also compound the problems are changes in government regulations or company procedures that may introduce new allowances, new deductions or new tax rates, all of which must be handled effectively. The need for a reliable and very flexible payroll system is therefore paramount.
Apart from the standard allowances in a standard payscale (housing, transport, utility, meal, etc.) and standard deductions such as taxes, TOM-S offers an unlimited number of allowances and deductions to be introduced in the system with a very flexible and global approach to its implementation. You have total control is specifying these allowances and deductions with facilities to ensure tax liabilities are effected. The following lists some of what is offered.
- New allowances can be either personal to the employee or attached to a particular payscale, providing unlimited extension to any payscale.
- Taxable limits for each new allowance can be defined.
- You can create any number of payscales as you want to reflect your organizations hierarchy and pay structure.
- Arrears, overtime and leave allowances are automatically computed based on pre-specified information/formula.
- Contributions to unions, thrifts societies and special funds are automatically deducted from employee’s pay every month and you only need to specify it once.
- Furthermore, in TOM-S, all claims and deductions that are not regular (arrears, overtime, other deductions) must pass through a strict procedure of approval and rejection by a higher authority to ensure proper implementation of rules, and capture the information in history, thus, facilitating auditing.
The analysis, history and summaries of all claims and deductions affected in payroll can be printed for management and auditing purposes.
Loans Management
It is customary for staff to request for loans such as car loans, hosing loans, cash advances and salary advances, for example, to handle certain personal or family issues.
With TOM-S you can specify all types of loans offered to staff, record all loans advanced to staff and their repayment policies defining the type of loan, the principal and interest, when to start repayment and when to stop repayment. An accurate log of all loan repayments is kept in the databank and deductions automatically stops when time is due. TOM-S can handle multiple loans for each employee.
TOM-S PAYE tax computation procedure is integrated in payroll computation and it meets the FIRS and the Joint Tax Board standard. Even though you can extend a payscale with any number allowances, for each new allowance specified you are allowed to specify a limit above which the excess must be taxed. This extensibility ensures TOM-S will be relevant for a long time even when regulations change to affect tax rules.
Budgeting & Payment Vouchering
All companies, institutions and business concerns make budgets and appropriate (vote) amounts for their various expenditures usually on a yearly basis. On a daily basis over the year, payments of all kinds are made to staff, contactors and vendors, all of which must be adequately recorded and monitored in order to ensure your business is run properly. Bank reconciliation must also be regularly carried out as part of the accounts auditing and financial control process.
TOM-S provides a framework to perform these activities efficiently and reliably by providing facilities exclusively for budget monitoring and payment vouchering. With TOM-S you can record the amount voted for each expenditure category such that all payments made out would be charged against an expenditure head (and an accounting head) from the point of preparing the voucher. Each voucher generated is automatically assigned a unique reference that is secure from adjustment so that the integrity of financial information is maintained. When the voucher is approved (by a higher authority), the cheque is written and given to the beneficiary and then the payment posted to the payments register.
TOM-S therefore keeps comprehensive details of all vendors, contractors and other payees engaged with your company and generate an accurate payments register to assist in auditing and bank reconciliation. Budget balances and Expenditure (Vote Book) balances are produced at any time to assist in appraising how well you are doing and what your financial position is at any date.
Accounts Preparation/Final Accounts – the General Ledger
By law you must prepare your accounts every year. External auditors must audit it and an annual report with Balance Sheet and P&L produced and filed with appropriate authorities. This dictates that your bookkeeping processes and financial controls procedures must be accurate, precise and geared towards producing proper accounts. All incomes, expenditures, assets valuations and stock valuations must be collated, analysed and presented in your General Ledger (GL) in a standard that meets the financial accounting standards.
The General Ledger, the sink of all your financial activities, reflects the financial position and performance of your company by telling a story about your company. It must therefore be well organized and as such a unit is usually dedicated to its management, the Final Accounts unit or in some instances the Financial Controller’s office.
TOM-S provides the platform to ensure your bookkeeping and accounts is well managed. All the books of original entry (Bank Book, Cash Book, Credit Purchases and Sales Day Book) and the General Ledger (GL) are handled in TOM-S.
You are allowed to specify up to 10000 account codes in your GL with each code having the flexibility of further having unlimited number of subheads (cost centers for example). This ensures more precise accounting and assessment of each unit/area of activity in your company.
Posting to the GL is made simple with strict controls to validate and verify entries in the books of original entry (e.g. the Bank Book) before posting. Payment vouchers generated in other modules are automatically posted to the GL, reducing the data entry workload since voucher information is already available in TOM-S
Trial balances at any date are generated easily with seamless extraction of the balance sheet and P&L balances during the year.
TOM-S is also equipped with the facility to keep Creditors, Debtors, Loans and Budget Register ledgers to fully complement the accounting procedures.
Thus, with TOM-S accounts auditing is made extremely simpler from the traditional manually based system or with computerized systems where all the activities are not coordinated centrally. Standard financial reports, activity reports and specialized reports are available and you can request for other specialised company specific reports from your vendor.
Inventory Control
TOM-S’s scope extends to managing your stores. The delivery of goods and items purchased from vendors and contractors (for example, furniture, office supplies and consumables and business equipments) and all requisitions, issues and returns activities between your stores manager and your organisation are controlled through TOM-S.
Central to TOM-S is the provision to assign a unique reference to each item, as well as to record the items manufacturers product and serial numbers.
TOM-S also offers the capability to record the location, department and office that each item issued from the store will be taken, so that you can track the movement of that item within the organization and know its precise location at any point in time.
You can generate bin cards for each item to show the history of usage of stock items.
You can also specify reorder levels for each stock item and you will be warned if the quantity of any item falls below the specified threshold so you can the place new orders for them.
Stock balances are available and can be generated at any time, including stock valuations with options of FIFO/LIFO and Weighted Average stock valuation computations.
Auditing in TOM-S is simply not just financial auditing as may be assumed. Auditing is wider in scope in a modern day organization with a wide variety of departments, each performing a series of activities that are subject to internal controls & procedures and regulatory control. As these controls must be adhered to and the organization must be properly managed, all activities must be closely monitored.
TOM-S assists auditing immensely by deploying a single module that unifies monitoring and assessing activities recorded in its databank, leveraging the existing TOM-S databank. From a workstation, an auditor can browse through current and historical information in any area of activity and have a thorough and panoramic view of the operations of your organisation. The auditor, for example, can perform personnel audits, payroll audits and financial audits and monitor progress of company.
With a combination of all reports and charts, general auditing is made less laborious and more analytical in approach.
Overall View
Overall deploying TOM-S in your organisation would offer several advantages:
- Re-engineer and make efficient the tasks of managing large volumes of staff information, managing payroll computations, keeping proper accounts in line with financial standards and government regulations.
- Provide timely and precise official and personal information on your workforce to inform staff welfare and development strategy, and budgeting.
- Accurate census of members of staff, vendors, contractors and consultants that do business with your institution will be available in a secure databank. This ensures confidentiality of information and integrity of your claims & settlement procedures between you and your vendors/contractors.
- Payroll computations and payments will be made on time and to the right people and variations in emoluments due to promotions and transfer of staff between units and departments will be promptly reflected in payroll.
- Internal financial audits, personnel audits, payroll activity audits, inventory audits (stock take) will be more effective and can be done more frequently to ensure consistency in implementing business procedures and standards.
- The financial position of your organisation can be obtained from the wealth of financial transactions captured in the databank and you can monitor expenditure against budget allocations and perform bank reconciliation processes more frequently and efficently.
- Equipment and items procured will be precisely recorded and their consumption and distribution would be accurately recorded and managed.
- The databanks generated by TOM will provide a wealth of information on payroll, personnel, vendors & contractors and financial transactions on which statistical information on your activities can be derived and used to inform policy making, budgeting and planning.
TOM-S will therefore cultivate transparency, accountability, efficiency and prudence in the management of the resources of your organisation. This opportunity is only waiting to be taken to set the pace in your company.
TOM-S Modules
TOM-S is grouped into three (3) main modules each with its own sub modules.
The main modules are
- Personnel Administration
- Finance & Accounting
- Inventory Control
These modules are further subdivided into sub modules
- Personnel Administration
- Personnel Information
- Staff Appraisal
- Staff Auditing
- Finance & Accounting
- Payroll and Pensions
- Budgeting
- Payment Vouchering
- Accounting
- Auditing
- Inventory Control
The other modules are for Data Configuration, Auditing, Reporting and System Administration functions namely.
- Operational Data Management & Configuration
- User Maintenance and System Administration
- Auditing, Monitoring & Reporting
- Enterprise Module
TOM-S consisting of several core front-end/gateway applications built over a database management platform that host the TOM-S Host Database System to which the front-end applications connect across a local area network. The core modules are
- TOM-S Personnel Administration Maintains employment records on your staff, such as leave, academic and professional experience, training, previous service, commendations and personal bio-data.
- TOM-S Payroll Administration: Administers monthly payroll, including pension and gratuity payments.
- TOM-S Staff Appraisal: Records and maintains Staff Appraisal or Annual Performance Evaluation (APER) information on all staff.
- TOM-S Staff Auditing: Ensures integrity of staff information.
- TOM-S Budget Analysis: Budget monitoring and analysis, vote book monitoring and analysis.
- TOM-S Payment Vouchering: Manages payments made organisation to staff, contractors and consultants.
- TOM-S Accounting: Manages your bank book, cash book, sales day book, purchase day book, general ledger, sales and creditors ledgers and performs trial balance on your accounts.
- TOM-S Inventory Control: Manages store requisitions, issues deliveries and returns, and keeps track of stock levels.
Other modules that perform supervisory and data configuration functions are
- TOM-S Operational Data Management And Configuration: Manages and Controls data configuration to meet your specific business environment.
- TOM-S User Maintenance and System Administration: Controls security management by managing user accounts, user privileges, audit trailing and backups and restoration of backups.
- TOM-S Auditing, Monitoring and Reporting: Provides a unified facility to audit and monitor activities and view and print all standard reports in TOM.
- TOM-S Enterprise Module: Provides unified interface to access all TOM-S Modules.
TOM-S Enterprise Module provides unified interface to access all TOM-S Modules. Each TOM-S module is equipped with its own specific operational data management and configuration, auditing and reporting facilities so that you can configure specific information for each.
TOM-S Personnel Administration System
TOM-S delivers on your workstation the capability to capture and access information on all your staff with ease and reliability and plan your company wide human resource management policy.
- TOM-S Personnel Administration captures a wide spectrum of information on your staff including personal bio data, payroll information, details of spouses children and next of kin, professional experience, assignments, postings and leave records.
- Photographs of each of your staff can also be capture in TOM-S Personnel Administration to make it useful to generate staff identity cards internally with your organisation.
- Gratuity and pension computations based on a flexible and extensible formula is also done in this module.
- Another important facility is the ability to link electronic documents, such as scanned letters of appointments and assignments, to staff records thus unifying information collation and management of personnel.
- An advanced search utility provides the tools to query the database for useful information and an efficient reporting facility complements it with up to 30 standard reports. Nominal rolls of staff and termination records, training history can easily be printed at the touch of the button.
- A strict audit procedure is implicit in this module, whereby all changes made to staff details, including payroll information and recorded in history.
- Provides instant up-to-date access to historical information on history of activities such as leave records, training and service records.
TOM-S Staff Auditing module integrates strongly with TOM-S Personnel Administration and TOM-S Payroll & Pensions Management. It is designed to be a controlling feature to temporarily suspend payment of any remunerations to staff (such as payroll) pending some audit validation or stop payment completely in case where staff is terminated, say abruptly.
TOM-S Staff Appraisal complements TOM-S Personnel Administration by recording the history of staff appraisals. Appraisals done at regular intervals are recorded to keep track of skills profile, competencies and assess training needs.
TOM-S Payroll Administration essentially administers monthly payroll and pension computations and payments. This module is very flexible in that it handles processing overtime, arrears and leave claims, pro-rating of salary, affecting regular deductions such as loans deductions, union and thrift society contributions, and other specified non-standard pay related claims/deductions and bulk processing of claims and allowances.
A unified approach to claims and deductions processing, combined with strict procedural control for approval and rejection of claims and deductions, make TOM Payroll Administration a flexible and powerful package. Its wealth of standard reports covers a wide spectrum of information that feeds the important units in a payroll department. Other key features include the following:
- Total control in defining and extending pay scale components with unlimited scope for extending payscale allowances and to define allowances specific to either the individual staff or to a grade.
- Specification of unlimited number of allowances and deductions personal to staff
- Re-configurable to reflect changes in tax rates and formula and other government regulations.
- Generates payslips for staff members, summaries of payroll and details of loan deductions and tax remittances to government.
- Generates schedule of payments to the bank accounts of members of staff, ready for integration with any electronic payment procedure.
- Instant up-to-date access to current and historical payroll information.
- Detailed reports on payroll (up to 50 standard reports) and visual presentation on payroll expenditure.
TOM-S Budget Analysis records and manages Budget and Vote Book Allocations, generates vote book and budget balances, thus monitoring expenditure activities
TOM-S Payment Vouchering coordinates all payment transactions made to staff, vendors and contractors, for example, including details of the instruments used for payments, thus generating a comprehensive databank of all payment transactions made in your organisation. The module is also equipped with the facility to automatically generate amount in words for each payment made and provide information for bank reconciliation and integrates with general ledger
TOM-S Accounting is the central core of the financial modules of TOM-S with the following features.
- Records all financial transactions in books of original entry such as Bank Book Receipts and Payments, Cash Book Receipts and Payments, Purchase Day book, Sales Day book, Vote book and the Journal book.
- Maintains the General Ledger, Creditors Ledger, Sales Ledger, Loan Ledger and Vote Book Register
- Trial balancing for preparing Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and Expenditure.
- Total control in configuring your accounts and cost centres codes for each category of expenditure, revenue, asset and liabilities in the general ledger.
- Generates useful accounting reports including reports to assist in bank reconciliation with up to 25 standard reports.
TOM-S Inventory Control manages store/inventory operations by coordinating and controlling Items Deliveries, Requisitions, Issues and Returns operations from your stores. It provides capability to
- Handle unlimited number of stock categories and units in several storage locations.
- Track each item to an office location and/or staff member.
- Register company specific reference number and manufacturer’s serial numbers of each item.
- Generate stock balances including stock valuations at any instant with options of FIFO/LIFO and Weighted Average stock valuation computations.
- Generate Bin Cards for each item.
- Generate item usage history and item movement history reports.
TOM-S Operational Data Management And Configuration configures TOM-S with data to meet your specific business procedures and needs. This module is used to define all information that drives TOM-S’s core applications and operations. Amongst the wealth of configuration data required are payscales, departments, allowances and deductions, expenses and expense heads, general ledger account codes and list of supplier and costumers.
Why Invest in TOM-S.
TOM-S architecture is strictly modular and adopts the client\server topology to fully exploit client\server capabilities of any database platform with such capabilities. This modular design further enables phased implementation of the TOM-S to maximise investment, tailor the implementation more precisely to your environment and ensure easy migration across database platforms.
The full power of TOM-S is only appreciated when deployed over as company wide local area network with several users in different units/departments constantly using it through the working day.
TOM-S, consists of a back-end, TOM-S Database (Host) System, and several front-ends, TOM-S Front End/Gateway Applications, interconnected through a local area network.
The TOM-S Host Database System will reside on a server computer to act as the central repository of data and provide workstations with access to the databank. With Microsoft SQL-Server\Oracle Platform option, a standard ODBC plug connecting the front-end/gateway applications to the TOM-S Host Database will be the hallmarks of the solution. This ODBC connected TOM-S Host System will provide the following extra functions;
- Provide extra system level supervisory functions to the databank;
- Handle administrative issues including backing up of data, performance monitoring and usage monitoring;
- Provide extra level of database security.
The TOM-S Front-End/Gateway Applications are program modules that will run on the workstations and provide gateway to the TOM-S Host System via the local area network. They are the client programs on the client/server architecture and, in this context, they are the core modules of TOM-S. The applications are a combination of forms to provide graphical user interface (GUI), queries, macros and program modules (written in Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic for Applications incorporated in Microsoft Access) designed to run on several operating systems such Windows 95/97/2000 and Windows XP. This allows for uniformity and consistency of both user interface (GUI) and controlled standards and version upgrades plus evolutionary architecture.
Overall, TOM-S takes advantage of the Rushmore technology which is unique to Microsoft Access and Microsoft FoxPro; the universality of Microsoft Access being an integral part of Microsoft Office Suite; the universality of Microsoft Foxpro being an integral part of Microsoft Developers Studio; the high security facility, robustness, reliability and, above all, the inherent client/server technology of SQL Server\Oracle. Thus, TOM-S delivers a service that is of immense capability, easy to migrate across operating platforms and scalable to meet specific demands.
Unified Approach – Simplicity
Ergonomics was an important concept in developing TOM-S. The look and feel of TOM-S interfaces ensure it is simple to use, appealing and professional, and the operational flow is logical and smooth. Organised such that modest computer literacy requirements is needed to use it, TOM-S configuration management, system administration and security management functions, which are complex and require higher IT skill levels and understanding, are completely separated from normal operating functions that users generally interact.
Independence And Uniqueness
TOM-S was conceived, designed and developed from scratch using current state of the art application development tools, migrating to exploit newer technologies during development and implementations. TOM-S is therefore independent of third party applications since it was not built on, or within, the platform of an existing proprietary application; we did not develop modules parallel to the modules of a proprietary system.
Industry Standard Technology
TOM-S employs Visual Basic, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL-Server\Oracle coupled with ODBC connectivity as the primary development tools to deliver a total solution of industry standard. TOM-S also easily deploys its reports across the Internet via email and its database platforms is easily web enabled (as controlled by the client). These are state of the art development tools and platforms that facilitate interconnectivity with other technologies and migration across database platforms, thus, ensuring flexibility, scalability and longevity of usage.
Openness of Data
TOM-S data is exposed through industry standard protocols such as ODBC and HTML. The client is therefore not excluded from accessing TOM-S data and as such can leverage its own IT expertise to build business specific modules, applications and reports on top of the TOM-S database host system parallel to standard TOM-S functionality. The client with the prerequisite expertise can therefore extend functionality of its own TOM-S solution without recourse to the vendor, while still maintaining the integrity and proprietary issues of TOM-S. This further enhances the client’s independence, the need for exclusivity of data, extensibility of its TOM-S solution and integrity of its information. Scalability of the solution and longevity of the relevance of TOM-S is also significantly enhanced by this capability.
Client Independence
Client independence fostered by the openness of data feature is further enhanced within TOM-S design itself. A whole module, TOM-S Operational Data Management And Configuration, is dedicated to configuring TOM-S with your company specific data making TOM-S heavily data driven. Data to configure TOM-S is under exclusive control of the client requiring no recourse to the vendor to implement changes in operational rules such as salary increases, affecting new pay scales, new allowances, new deductions and changes in tax laws, for example.
Only functional and logical changes requiring rigorous extension to TOM-S core applications need specialist vendor attention. This need is mitigated by the openness of data that allows building of business specific module, applications and reports on TOM-S data platform.
User access to data is strictly controlled by a hybrid of programmed security features combined with development tool specific security features, providing TOM-S with a powerful and sophisticated security management facility. Each user is given access rights to each module while each module has a set of privileges to which a user can be assigned. In simple terms, when you create a new user you first grant the user access to one or more of the modules, then you assign the required privileges/roles to the user for each module. This way, you can define security and access levels suitable to your organisation. For example, roles can be assigned according to staff hierarchy or staff schedules.
Data Integrity
TOM-S employs strict maintenance of procedures that ensure history of all transactions and changes to key data are kept permanently in its database. In virtually all cases, provision for deleting data by a user is strictly prevented. Only administrators with access to structural feature of TOM-S Host System can delete data, and even this is not recommended. The result is that data integrity is well ensured and comprehensive auditing is facilitated. Transparency and discipline in the performance of work using TOM-S is thus encouraged and cultivated.
Maintenance & Support
Availability of maintenance and support expertise of TOM-S is available at affordable cost. TOM-S has been proven and tested in the field and our experience with maintenance has been that our role hase been largely supervisory after the agreed post implementation monitoring period.
Investing in TOM-S will thus engender transparency, accountability, efficiency and prudence in the management of the resources of your organisation. This opportunity is only waiting to be taken by a credible and dynamic leadership to set the pace in this respect.
Options of TOM-S
TOM-S Standard – Microsoft Access Database
- TOM-S Host Database System is deployed on Microsoft Access, an integral part of the Microsoft Office Tools, based on the Rushmore Technology based Jet Database Engine unique to Microsoft Access and Microsoft FoxPro
- TOM-S Front-End\Gateway Applications are Microsoft Access program modules written in Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) incorporated in Microsoft Access.
TOM-S Gold-Microsoft SQL-Server\Oracle
- TOM-S Host Database System is deployed on Microsoft SQL-Server or Oracle (depending on your choice), employing standard ODBC connectivity to enable access.
- TOM-S Front-End\Gateway Applications are program modules combining Visual Basic (VB) and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) incorporated in Microsoft Access.
Overall, TOM-S takes advantage of the Rushmore technology which is unique to Microsoft Access and Microsoft FoxPro; the universality of Microsoft Access being an integral part of Microsoft Office Suite; the universality of Microsoft Foxpro being an integral part of Microsoft Developers Studio; the high security facility, robustness, reliability and, above all, the inherent client/server technology of SQL Server\Oracle. Thus, TOM-S delivers a service that is of immense capability, easy to migrate across operating platforms and scalable to meet specific demands.
How to Acquire TOM-S
TOM-S is modular. You can select the modules or a combination of modules you want as well as define the level of integration between modules. The possible bundles you can have
- PIS + Staff Auditing+ Staff Appraisal
- Payroll + Staff Auditing
- Payment Vouchering + Budgeting
- Accounting + Budgeting
- Inventory Control
Each must have the following
- Operational Data Management & Configuration
- User Maintenance and System Administration
- Auditing, Monitoring and Reporting Module
Clients and TOM-S Implementations
TOM-S (Total Office Management System) is an integrated office solution system incorporating Personnel Information, Payroll, Accounting and Stores Management. Reference sites where TOM-S is in operation include:
- Energy Commission of Nigeria (TOM-S Payroll System)
- National Library of Nigeria(TOM-S Personnel Administration, TOM-S Payroll Administration)
- Legal Aid Council (LACPS, Customised TOM-S Payroll System)
- Legal Aid Council (Paypoint, Customised TOM-S Payroll System)
- Legal Aid Council (ACPAY, Customised TOM-S Payment Vouchering System)
- Legal Aid Council (LACGLS, Customised General Ledger (Final Accounts) System)
- Nigerian Law Reform Commission (Paypoint, Customised Payroll System)
- Ministry of Communications (TOM-S Payment Vouchering System)
- B-Jays Hotel
- Federal Staff Hospital, 1004 Estate, V.I., Lagos
How did we come about the idea of TOM-S
Conceived as an answer to effective and efficient resource management in a period when accountability, transparency and public relevance is vital and strategic to the survival of a business, Total Office Management System – TOM-S – a business software application suite aims to equip an organisation with the capacity to stay relevant in today’s commercial environment exploiting the technological advancement in computing and telecommunications.
TOM-S has undergone up to 10 years of development, a process informed by
- extensive understanding and analysis of the operations of wide spectrum private and government organisations,
- the need for cost effectiveness, affordability and scalability,
- the need to minimise database platform dependence,
- the need for easy availability of cheaper maintenance and support expertise, and
- the need for openness to data to foster client independence in building client specific modules on the platform, while exploiting IT advancements to the fullest.
Over the last 10 years, TOM-S has been replacing legacy systems, manual and semi-manual systems. In particular, legacy systems have fallen prey to inflexibility, limitations in scalability, and limitations in exploiting advancements in IT and in responding to needs to refocus business strategy.
TOM-S is continually being extended with new modules to achieve the final objective of being full-fledged business applications software with modules targeting all areas of business operations.
Our clients can select from a wide variety of options based on their size, needs, environment, affordability and technological investment level. From the standard lower cost, high performance loosely integrated multi-user desktop TOM-S Standard for medium sized organizations to the high valued fully integrated client\server based TOM-S Gold for larger institutions.
The integrity and success of any organisation in today’s highly competitive environment and stricter regulations on corporate and business practices dictate the need for effective, efficient and flexible approaches to managing the core operations of that organisation. Core operations that drive your organisation include management of your human and financial resources, technical and specialist operations, which need to be continually enhanced to meet the modern day requirements of effective and timely delivery of service, maintaining presence in business and, not the least, improve public and customer perception.
Information technology advancements in computing, communications and the Internet provide the framework on which to build strategic solutions to achieve this aims. As such, a modern forward-looking organisation will invest in networking, Internet connectivity, and business software applications to computerise its strategic operations and position its workforce strategically for the demands of today’s business environment. Essentially, the need is to process, analyse, present and deploy large amount of information both within your organisation and across the normal organisational boundary (say via the Internet) to the public. Once you can manage your key operations effectively you will engender a positive culture within your workforce and leverage their capacity to perform effectively.
Our product, TOM-S, which stands for Total Office Management System, is a business software application suite designed to specifically exploit this situation by targeting the core operations of organisations. TOM-S currently focuses on Personnel Administration, Payroll & Pensions Administration, Staff Auditing, Staff Appraisals, Budget Analysis, Payment Voucher Processing, Accounting and Inventory Control.
To invest in TOM-S, the distinction should not be made between private business or government institutions and regulatory bodies in this race to be relevant; all must invest strategically in IT to achieve their aims. Regulatory and other government institutions that drive a nation must be constantly on top of things in order not to lag behind and weaken their capacity to regulate, direct, plan for the economy; while private business must be competitive to stay in business, maximise profit and improve service delivery, manage public perception and grow their customer base. TOM-S was designed with these concepts in mind.
TOM-S incorporates the global view of your business and employs industry standard tools to deploy a solution that should meet the functionality, architecture, scope and future needs of any modern day concern.
Enquiry Form
Name of Your Organisation: …………………………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………
Contact Person …………………………………………………………
Contacks Phone(s) …………………………………………………………
Company Classification: Private\Government\Parastatal\Commercial\Other
Staff Strength: >100 b) upto 500, upto 1000, upto 2000, >2000, >5000, > 10000
What are you interested in. (Please tick)
- Full TOM-S Suite
- TOM-S Personnel Administration
- TOM-S Payroll & Pension Administration
- TOM-S Payment Vouchering
- TOM-S Budgeting
- TOM-S Office Accounting
- TOM Stock\Inventory Control
Do you want a Demonstration Yes/No
Do you want Cost implications of procurement and implementation. Yes/No
For Official Use Only