Nominal Roll Software System
A Computerised Human Resources Nominal Roll System
Nominal Roll
Tutorials and Training Manual
August 2021
By Dr. Taofeek Oladiran Folami
Nasni Consultants Limited, 28 Bode Thomas Street, Surulere, Lagos.
Table of Contents
1.1 Why a Computerised Nominal Roll System? 4
1.2 What does Nominal Roll Software System Do? 4
2 To start the Nominal Roll Software System 7
3.1 Primary function of the software 9
3.3 Definition: What is a change request 9
4 The Key Interfaces (Forms) 11
4.2 Forms\Interfaces layout explained 11
4.5 Change Request Management 13
4.6 Personnel Details and Service History 14
4.8 Nominal Roll With Promotion and Retirement Due Dates 15
4.13 Personnel List with Promotion and Retirement Due Dates 18
4.16 Service History Search 20
5 Forms and Menus Operations and Functionality Map 21
5.1 Forms Functionality Map 21
5.2 Menus Functionality Map 25
6.1 Starting Nominal Roll software 26
6.1.1 How to start Nominal Roll Software 26
6.1.2 How to change your password, if forgotten, compromised or your first time to log in. 26
6.2.1 Display forms layout explained 26
6.3 Staff Details and Nominal Roll 28
6.3.1 How to view staff details in a list. 28
6.3.2 How to view staff full details and their service history 28
6.3.3 How to view nominal roll of staff with staff hierarchy 28
6.3.4 How to find the position on a staff in the hierarchy on Nominal Roll 28
6.4 Create New Staff and Modify Staff Details – Change Request Management 28
6.4.1 How to create a new staff 28
6.4.2 How to make a change to staff details – change request 28
6.4.3 How to approve a change request to change staff details 28
6.4.4 How to reject a change request 28
6.4.5 How to commit a change request 28
6.4.6 How to process change requests for individual staff 28
6.4.7 How to process change request globally 28
6.5 Change Request Management Advanced Operations 28
6.5.1 How to affect postings 28
6.5.2 How to affect promotions 28
6.5.3 How to affect disengagements from service 28
6.5.4 How to update service history details of staff 28
6.5.5 How to view and interpret change request audit log 28
6.5.6 Posting and Retirements Assessments 28
6.5.7 How to view staff that are due for promotion 28
6.5.8 How to view staff that are due for retirement 28
6.6.1 How to search for employees and display their details 28
6.6.2 How to search service history records and display details 28
6.6.3 How to search employees on nominal roll and display details 28
6.6.4 How to export (download) search results to Excel, Text, CSV, XML and RTF (Word) files 28
6.7.1 How to print\preview Personnel Reports 29
6.7.2 How to print\preview Nominal Roll Reports 29
6.7.3 How to print Nominal Roll from the archives 29
6.7.4 How to preview\print reports from the Personnel Reports form 29
6.7.5 How to preview\print reports from the Nominal Roll Reports form 29
6.7.6 How to view staff distribution and statistics in bar and pie charts 29
6.7.7 How to export reports to Excel, Text, CSV, XML and RTF (Word) files 29
6.8 Customising Nominal Roll for your environment 29
6.8.1 How to define the nominal roll models that determines staff hierarchy 29
6.8.2 How to set your default nominal roll model 29
6.8.3 How to define change request types 29
6.8.4 How to define disengagement types 29
6.8.5 How to set the years in service and age limit for retirement 29
6.8.6 How to set the no of years promotion is due for each grade level 29
6.8.7 How to define operational data to customise software for your environment 29
6.9 User Management and Security 29
6.9.1 How to create as new user 29
6.9.2 How to assign a user roles and privileges for each software module and operations 29
6.9.3 How to change your password 29
6.10.1 How to view and interpret the Audit Trail 29
6.10.2 How to connect your client programs with data 29
6.10.3 How to view, interpret and modify environment configuration 29
6.10.4 How to set the directory store photographs and other type of images 29
6.10.5 How to set the directory to store exports 29
6.10.6 How to set the directory to store files from which to import data 29
6.10.7 How to update your local dataset 29
6.10.8 How to configure using ADO for data access 29
7.1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 30
Why a Computerised Nominal Roll System?
The human resources department of any organisation of repute requires a comprehensive census of its members of staff for proper manpower budgeting and planning to ensure quality service delivery. The scope of details on staff that are captured traditionally include name, gender, date of birth, origin, date of appointment, salary grade, department, designation, family details and the serial number assigned on engagement.
These sets of information are regularly updated together with the service history of each member of staff and processed into reports and statistics that inform human resource planning, budgeting, resource allocation, staff auditing, staff appraisal, payroll and career progression management.
The Nominal Roll is one key output of this process. In this context, the Nominal Roll is the complete list of staff showing the accurate profiles/distribution of staff across the various departments, and must, as a primary and statutory requirement, accurately reflect the staff hierarchy. This value proposition dictates a credible system that produces accurate Nominal Roll of on demand and as at specific dates.
The Nominal Roll Software System described in this document is designed to achieve these objectives. It is designed to modernise and enhance human resource planning, budgeting, resource allocation, staff auditing, staff appraisal, payroll and career progression management, by leveraging newer technological advancement in information technology. The goal is to cultivate better transparency and accountability in the management and supervision of the resources in the civil service ministries, departments and agencies.
What does Nominal Roll Software System Do?
Manages information on service history of all members of staff in your organisation and tracks any changes/updates made to the information channelled through a strict change request protocol. A Nominal Roll representing the hierarchy of staff is auto-generated on a daily basis, without human intervention, based of your structure and hierarchy model programmed into the core of the software.
The key entities of Nominal Roll Software System databank as identified from our system study are as follows:
- Personnel Information – Employment Information
- Personnel Service History – Promotions, Postings, Children, Next of kin, Qualifications, Training, Experience, Travels, Leave Records, Assignments, Medical Records, Previous Service, Services In Forces, Languages, Queries and Warnings, Commendations and Disengagements.
- Change Requests
- Nominal Roll at Instant
- Nominal Roll Archives
The modules of Nominal Roll Software System appropriately relate these key entities in the modules
Core Modules
The key functional features are enumerated below according to modules.
- Nominal Roll Management
- Captures and manages service history of all members of staff and implements the core nominal roll management process which includes the change request management protocol that maintains a comprehensive logging system tracking all changes and updates made to personnel information.
- Staff Audit
- Staff Appraisal
- User Management
- Operations Configuration
Core Features
- Personnel Details Databank, including photographs.
- Employment Service History Databank – Promotions, Postings, Children, Next of kin, Qualifications, Training, Experience, Travels, Leave Records, Assignments, Medical Records, Previous Service, Services In Forces, Languages, Queries and Warnings, Commendations and Disengagements.
- Nominal Roll (Staff Hierarchy list) at Instant
- Nominal Roll Archive – Daily Auto Generation
- Promotion Due Dates Flash
- Retirement Due Dates Flash
- Staff Distribution Statistics Reports
- Staff ID Card details generation
- Robust Change Request Management Protocol for managing personnel details changes, enforcing 4 (four) stages of request, approve, reject and commit steps to each detail change\update to be affected.
- Comprehensive logging system tracking the history of updates to personnel information, with timestamps and including photograph history of personnel.
- Comprehensive audit trail log of operational activities
- Personnel Details and Nominal Roll Search engines, with options to download search results to text, CSV, spreadsheet (Excel), RTF, HTML and XML file formats.
- Rich reports sets such as personnel and nominal roll lists by, for example, cadre, departments, payscale, grade level, state of origin, gender, marital status, zones and rank (for forces version).
- Export reports to text, csv, spreadsheet (Excel), RTF, HTML and XML file formats.
- Configuration functionality to define operational data specific to your agency.
- Robust security model with the following features:
- Each user must log in with a username and password.
- No restriction on the number of users
- Each module has a set of privileges to which a user can be assigned.
- Each user is assigned privileges/roles for each user for each module.
- Total control of the security and access levels configuration suitable for your staff hierarchy.
- Multi-user with unlimited number of clients connecting to the data server.
- Navigation via buttons and menus.
- Modular configuration with separate modules for user management and security, operational data configuration and personnel information and nominal roll.
- Simple process to connect client programs to database server, with the capability to reconnect seamlessly if the location of the data server changes.
- Suitable for agencies of up to 100,000+ employees (larger sized agencies or cloud implementation will need a re-engineering the architecture of the application).
General Features
- Easy to use with its user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI).
- Configurable as stand-alone system or a client/server multi-user environment.
- Sophisticated security system that ensures integrity and confidentiality of your mission critical information, by controlling access to both information and functionality.
- Efficient and effective search engine to query the databank.
- Maintains a concise audit trail of operational activities.
- No restriction on the number of users
- Each module has a set of privileges to which a user can be assigned.
- Each user is assigned privileges/roles for each user for each module.
- Total control of the security and access levels configuration suitable for your staff hierarchy.
- Ensures data integrity as the privileges of each user can be tailored to his\her work schedule.
Key Benefits
- Maintains a comprehensive databank of staff details, including full details of their service history as statutorily required by law and the civil service regulations.
- Ensures the nominal roll is generated with precision and, thereby, enhances its integrity.
- Eliminates typical human errors and the potential for abuse associated with manually maintaining staff service history and in generating the nominal roll.
- Time spent on search and retrieval of staff records will be greatly reduced.
- Personnel files will be under tighter controls as physical file handling will reduce since the information exchange on staff details will be done electronically.
- Guarantees the integrity of data by deploying a strict security and access control protocol for granting access rights and privileges to users of the software, and by extension, the data stored in the databank.
- Generate, at daily intervals, the staff nominal roll to provide archives which enables nominal rolls of previous periods (a specific date) to be generated on demand.
System Architecture
A relational database management system designed to run on a local area Ethernet 100 Base – T network of computers running Microsoft Windows based operating systems.
Architecture is strictly modular and adopts the client\server topology to fully exploit client\server capabilities of any database platform. The full power of Nominal Roll is particularly appreciated when deployed over a wide\local area network with several users in different departments constantly using it.
Nominal Roll Software System consists of a back-end (database host), and a front-end (client program), all interconnected. The Nominal Roll Host Database resides on a server computer to act as the central repository of data and provide workstations with access to the databank
The Front-End/Client programs provide graphical user interface (GUI), queries, macros and program modules designed to run on any modern Windows operating system. This allows for uniformity and consistency of both user interface (GUI) and controlled standards and version upgrades.
Technical Requirements
- Operating System – Windows 10 Professional (preferred)
- SQL Server 2012 and above
- SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
- ODBC Version 17 (Version 13 will also work)
- MSSQLOLEDB Version 18
- Local Area Network: Ethernet LAN is preferred. Radio wireless will also suffice, but has slower transmission speed. Wi-Fi provides slowest transmission speed.
- Ensure all the computers that will be used are connected to the LAN. If you are using a domain controller based network, ensure that all these computers are on the same domain on the LAN.
- Microsoft Access 2003 to 2016 for client programs to run
To start the Nominal Roll Software System
This document describes how initiate and start using Nominal Roll Software System.
After installing the Nominal Roll software suite it is assumed that the first user is an administrator who will have the responsibility for creating and assigning roles to future users of the application. Nominal Roll comes pre-installed with a user, mainuser. This user has the highest permissions access to all modules by default. Users that you then create with system administration privileges will subsequently be able to perform system administration functions.
Double Click on the Nominal Roll icon on your desktop. This bring up the launcher depicted below
Click Nominal Roll Management button.
Log in with you username (mainuser if this is the first time by the administrator).
This displays the main form after a few seconds.
Changing Your Password
Before we continue, there is one function every user that logs on to Nominal Roll can perform. This is to change his/her password. Since passwords are to be secret to the user even the system administrator should not be aware of other users’ passwords. The system administrator(s) can only clear this password if the user forgets it (chapter 2), so clearing it will allow the user to specify another one.
The procedure for changing your password is simple.
- Click “Change Password” on the main interface.
- On the resulting enter your Old Password in the appropriate field. Leave blank if you do not have a password or you are specifying one for the first time.
- Enter your new password in the filed labelled “NewPassword”
- Enter the new password again in the field labelled “Verify”
- Click “Specify Password”.
- You will be prompted if the NewPassword and the Verify do not match exactly. You must re-enter both again to ensure registration of the password.
The next time you log on to Nominal Roll you must specify your new password to gain access.
Key Concepts
The Nominal Roll software at its core captures and manages information on members of staff and their service history in a secure databank.
The key operational feature is the tracking of all the updates\changes made to all the pieces of information on each member of staff that is managed in the databank. Each update\change is logged with a date and time stamp together with the access credentials of the person who requested and processed the updates.
To achieve our objectives, the information managed is sectioned into two (2) distinct categories; Personnel Information and Service History. The Personnel Information is the primary data on which the Service History (secondary data) is based.
Any update\change that is required to be made on any component of the personnel information and service history of a member of staff is channelled through a Change Request Management Protocol.
There is no facility for deleting data, regardless of human errors; therefore, the process of rectifying human errors in the data update is also channelled through the Change Request Management Protocol.
The Nominal Roll is generated based on a predefined order specified by senior administrators based on organisational policy (in your case the civil service staff hierarchy regulations).
The Nominal Roll is generated automatically at scheduled times of the day to build the archive of the organisation’s nominal roll, which will change as the updates to personnel information are reflected in the databank. This ensures an accurate history of the Nominal Roll. Personnel Information that impact on the Nominal roll at any instant includes postings and promotions.
Primary function of the software
- The Personnel Information
- The Service History
- Change Request Management Protocols
- Request
- Approve
- Reject
- Commit
- Personnel Information Update Protocol
- Service History Update Protocol
- Nominal Roll Generation
- Manual Generation of Nominal Roll
- Auto-Generation of Nominal Roll
- Nominal Roll Archives
Change Request
The nominal roll software introduces the term called change request. This term is central to the process of modifying details to employees’ information kept in the database.
Definition: What is a change request
A change request is the log of a change to a specific piece of information on a specific employee that is intended to be modified.
The change request log consists of the following details:
- the information to be changed,
- the old value of the information to change,
- the new value to change to,
- status flag to indicate approve status,
- status flag to indicate reject status,
- status flag to indicate commit status,
- username of the user that logged the change request
- username of the user that approved the change request
- username of the user that rejected the change request
- username of the user that committed the change request
- date the change request was logged,
- date the change request was approved,
- date the change request was rejected,
- date the change request was committed.
Thus, the change request log represents the intention to modify an employee’s details. For example, the grade level of an employee may need to be changed due to promotion.
Each change request must pass through a protocol before it is committed to reflect in the employee’s details in the database.
An approve status indicates the log has been reviewed and intended change approved and can then be reflected in the employee’s details. A commit status means the employee’s detail has been updated with the new information requested. A reject status implies the request has been denied. This guarantees that any change made to employees details can be easily tracked.
The change requests, and the processing protocol, form the basis of the Change Request Management feature and cornerstone of the nominal roll software system operations.
The Key Interfaces (Forms)
In this section we preview the key interfaces (forms) that you will frequently interact with during operations of the Nominal Roll Software system
The Main form
The main form features key functions organised into two sections; Personnel section and Nominal Roll section.
Personnel Section
- Personnel Information and Service History: Displays staff information per page with buttons to display service history information
- Personnel List: Displays staff list in alphabetical order
- Search: Performs search on staff details with option to download search results.
- Reports: Provides portal to preview and print all types of reports.
Nominal Roll section
- Nominal Roll: Displays the nominal roll i.e. Staff list in hierarchical order
- Change Request Management: Manage changes to staff information
- Nominal Roll Archives: Daily archive of nominal roll
- Search; Performs search on staff details with results and reports displayed in hierarchical order. Option to download search results is also provided.
- Nominal Roll Reports: Provides portal to preview and print all types of reports relation to nominal roll
Forms\Interfaces layout explained
Form header describes the purpose of the form.
Footer contains Exit, Preview and Print buttons.
Exit closes the form,
Preview displays chosen report on the screen,
Print sends the report directly to the printer.
Filters and Sort features are usually at the footer of the form.
Dropdown list to locate specific employee is usually at the header typically labelled Locate Employee.
The footer may also have Add, Modify, View, Save and Discard buttons where necessary for data entry and modification purposes.
Forms that display a continuous list of, for example personnel list, will usually have record selectors (on the left side of the list) enabled. Full details of the employee on the list will be displayed in single form format when the record selector is double-clicked. Similarly, double clicking results list from the search engines will also display the full details in single form format.
Navigation buttons
On forms for data entry, modifications and list displays, the bottom left corner holds navigation object that shows the number of records and the current record position. The navigation object has navigation buttons as arrows pointing in the direction of movement when it is clicked. You can move to the first record, move to the previous record, move to the next record and move to the last record by clicking these arrows. Alternatively, you can type in the record position you want to move to in the text box between the navigation buttons.
Operations buttons
These are buttons usually at the footer m of the form, and, where they appear, perform the following operations.
Add clears controls except those with default value, ready for data entry
Modify provides the means to modify existing data
Save saves modified or new data
Discard discards changes or new entries made into text fields
Delete removes the record in focus
Refresh refreshes screen in focus, updating modified data
Show All re-queries the database and displays full data based on the record source of the form.
Locate provides text box to directly locate an employee information
Exit closes the current form, and returns to the previous form.
The Revert and Finish buttons are initiated when you click either Add or Modify.
The Save and Discard buttons are enabled when you begin data entry or modification.
Change Request Management
This interface presents the core of nominal roll operations. The caption on each button indicates the purpose of the resulting form when the button is clicked (once only).
Note the 4 (four) groupings of the change request operations.
Group (1) – New Staff, where you enter the details of a new staff.
Group (2) – Initiate Change Requests, where you register the changes you want to make on each staff detail. This change requests are further grouped accordingly as
- Postings: Register changes to staff details due to postings
- Promotions: Register changes to staff details due to promotion
- Direct: Register changes to staff details in generic terms
- Disengagements: Register changes to staff details due to disengagements such as retirement, resignations, deaths, dismissals and transfers.
- Biodata: Register changes to staff biodata such as date of birth, state of origin, contact details and basic biometric details
- Reangagements: Register changes to disengaged staff details that is to be re engaged in service.
- Service History: Register changes to staff details sivh as qualifications, next of kin, children, etc.
Group (3) – Assess Change Requests, where you approve or reject and commit the requested changes made via Group (2) operations. Assessments can be done per individual staff or globally.
Group (4) – Review Change Request, where you review the staff details changes that have been committed (reflected) to your database.
Finally, the button labelled Change Request Audit Log gives a global history\log of all change request management operations.
Subsequent sections show typical interfaces you will frequently interact.
Personnel Details and Service History
Nominal Roll
Nominal Roll With Promotion and Retirement Due Dates
Nominal Roll Archives
Nominal Roll Search
Reports Interface
Personnel List
Personnel List with Promotion and Retirement Due Dates
Personnel Search
Personnel Reports
Service History Search
Forms and Menus Operations and Functionality Map
The tables in this section details the various forms and the operations and functionality they provide.
Forms Functionality Map
S\N |
Form\Interface\Button Name |
Operations and Functionality |
From Main Interface |
Change Your Password |
Displays a form for the (current) user change his\her password, if password has been compromised |
From Main Interface – Personnel Section |
Button |
Personnel List |
Displays the Personnel List form showing the staff list in alphabetical order. The list can be filtered for convenience by selecting one or a combination of the filters available. Specific personnel reports can be previewed and printed, including demographic charts and statistics |
Personnel Information & Service History |
Displays the Personnel Service History and Request Processing form showing staff information one page per employee. Tabs are provided for specific details such as bio data and the change requests history of the staff in focus. The left side of the form has buttons for each service history components through which you can add records such as children, next of kin and qualifications, for example, for the employee in focus. Specific and related reports can be previewed and printed via the appropriately labelled buttons. |
Search (Personnel Section) |
Displays a search form through which you can search the databank of employees based on any combination of criteria defined on the form. The search results can be displayed as a form list or previewed\printed as a report. The search results can also be downloaded into excel, text and rtf formats. Advanced Search button on this form displays the search form extended to search through service history. The search filters available are based on the search category selected. The search categories correspond to the service history components provided for in the Personnel Service History and Request Processing form |
Reports (Personnel Section) |
Displays a portal where all defined reports on a staff or a group of staff can be previewed or printed based on predefined criteria provided as filters. |
ID Cards Registration |
Displays a form through which you specify the details to be contained in staff id cards, including photographic images of staff. |
From Main Interface – Personnel Section |
Buttons |
Nominal Roll |
Displays the list of staff in hierarchical order, i.e. the Nominal Roll. |
Change Request Management |
Displays a form showing the core features of the software to manage changes to details and status of staff via a strict request, approve, reject and commit protocol. New staff is added from this interface. The full audit log of changes made to staff details is also accessed from here. |
Nominal Roll Archives |
Displays a form that stores daily archives of your Nominal Roll. You can view the archive for a specific date by selecting the archive date at the header of the form. The report of the nominal roll for the selected date can be previewed or printed. The archives for individual employees can also be view from this form. |
Nominal Roll Reports |
Displays a search form through which you can search the databank of ONLY staff on nominal roll based on any combination of criteria you define. The search results can be displayed as a form list or previewed\printed as a report. The search results can also be downloaded into excel, text and rtf formats |
Search (Nominal Roll Section) |
Displays a portal where all defined reports on a staff or a group of staff on nominal roll (i.e. currently in service) can be previewed or printed based on predefined criteria provided as filters. |
From Personnel List and Nominal Roll List |
Personnel List With Promotions and Retirement Due Dates |
From the Personnel List form, click Promotion and Retirement Due Dates button to display staff list in alphabetical order showing the due dates for promotion and retirement for each employee. The list can be filtered for specific year (and, optionally, Month) and reports generated for preview or print accordingly. |
Nominal Roll With Promotions and Retirement Due Dates |
From the Nominal Roll List form, click Promotion and Retirement Due Dates button to display staff list in hierarchical order showing the due dates for promotion and retirement. The list can be filtered for specific year (and, optionally, Month) and reports generated for preview or print accordingly. |
Retirement and Promotions Due Dates Processing |
From Nominal Roll Management menu, select Process Retirement and Promotion Due Dates. On the resulting form, click button labelled Update Retirement and Promotion Due Dates. This action updates the retirement and promotion due dates for all staff, picking up changes\corrections made to dates of birth, grade levels and dates of first appointment. |
From Change Request Management interface |
Click Change Request Management on the main interface |
Buttons |
Direct |
Displays the Direct (Ungrouped) Change Requests form where you log changes to details of staff. Select an employee from the drop down list, enter the new details and log the requests. The change requests will be displayed in the sub form and can be processed form here, if you have the privileges to assess change requests. Note: Change requests are not reflected in staff details unless they have been Committed. A Committed request is irreversible. Another request log and assessment process will be required to reverse the changes. |
Postings |
Displays the Posting Requests form where you log changes to details relating specifically to information on posting a staff, such as designation, location and department, for example. Simply, select an employee from the drop down list, enter the new details and log the requests. The change requests will be displayed in the sub form and they can be processed form here, if you have the privileges to assess change requests. |
Promotions |
Displays the Promotions Requests form where you log changes to details relating specifically to information on promoting a staff, such as designation, grade level and step, for example. Simply, select an employee from the drop down list, enter the new details and log the requests. The change requests will be displayed in the sub form and they can be processed form here, if you have the privileges to assess change requests. |
Bio-Data |
Displays the Biodata Change Requests form where you log changes to staff details such as date of birth, state of origin, local government of origin and contact detail, for example. Simply, select a staff from the drop down list, enter the new details and log the requests. Note the tab overlays that serve as pages containing extra biodata details. The change requests will be displayed in the sub form and they can be processed form here, if you have the privileges to assess change requests. |
Disengagement |
Displays the Disengagement Requests form where you log changes to details of employees to be disengaged from service. When these changes are reflected in the staff details, the staff will be removed from the nominal roll. |
Re-Engagement |
Displays the Re-Engagement To Service Request form which handles the special case of re-engaging a previous (disengaged) staff into the service of your agency. Based on the type of re-engagement, the staff will be restored to the nominal roll. |
Service History |
Displays Personnel Service History and Request Processing form that shows staff information one page per employee. The buttons on the left side represents the service history elements supported. Click a preferred element to add records (children, next of kin and qualifications, for example) for the employee in focus. Each record added can be process (approved, rejected, confirmed and cancelled), if you have appropriate privileges. |
Individual Change Requests Assessment |
Displays the Individual Change Requests Assessment form. It shows the change requests logs for each staff, grouped, for convenience and focus, in tabs (labelled Normal, Postings, Promotions, Disengagements and Reengagements). The requests for each individual can be processed one-by-one for approval, rejection and commit. Options are provided to process all pending requests all at once. The change requests can be filtered to show Pending, Approved, Committed and Rejected requests by clicking appropriately labelled buttons. |
Individual Approved Requests Assessment |
Displays the Individual Approved Requests Assessment form. It focuses on only approved change requests for each staff, waiting to be committed (reflected in staff details), or rejected, if the request is declined. The requests can be processed one-by-one and options are provided to process them all at once. |
Individual History of Committed Requests Assessment |
Displays the Individual Committed Requests form showing the history of all committed requests for each staff. The logs are grouped, for convenience and focus, in tabs (labelled Normal, Postings, Promotions, Disengagements and Reengagements). This is the full history of all the changes that have been made to staff details. |
Pending Requests |
Provides a global list of change requests waiting to be processed. You can approve or reject each record accordingly and options exist for global approval or rejection. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
Approved Requests |
Provides a global list of change requests that have been approved and waiting to be committed or rejected. You can approve or reject each record accordingly and options exist for global commit or reject. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
Rejected Requests |
Provides a global list of change requests that have been rejected. You can undo rejected requests one-by-one. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
Uncommitted Requests |
Provides global list of all uncommitted requests that can be approved, rejected, and committed. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
Global History of Committed Requests Assessment |
Provides a global list of history of all committed requests for all staff. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
Change Requests Audit Log |
Display the Change Request Audit Log showing all change requests to date on all categories for all employees. Filters exist to filter the list for a specific employee, a specific detail, a specific grouping of details or a combination. |
From Personnel Service History and Requests Processing |
Click button labelled Personnel Information & Service History on the main interface |
Buttons |
Each button displays a sub form through which you enter the service history records for the staff in focus. Click Add to add a new record or Modify to change details. In compliance with the change request protocol, each record must be processed as follows: Approve, Reject, Confirm and Cancel. You must have requisite privileges to perform these actions. Records Confirmed cannot be modified. |
Employee Information |
Returns to the staff details tab showing staff employment data. |
Children |
Children of staff |
Next of Kin/Relationships |
Next of Kin and any other relevant relations |
Qualifications |
Qualifications of staff |
Previous Service |
Records of service in previous agencies |
Training |
Records of training and courses attended |
Postings |
Details of postings |
Promotions |
Details of promotions |
Travels |
History of official travels and tours |
Leave Records |
History of leave taken |
Medical Records |
Medical history of relevance |
Services in Forces |
Record of service on forces such as military, polics and other security arms |
Languages |
Language proficiency records |
Queries and Warnings |
Disciplinary records |
Commendations |
Awards and Commendations records |
Disengagements |
Details of staff disengagement(s) from service of the agency |
Miscellaneous |
Any other relevant information |
Tabs |
Employment Information |
Employment data of staff in focus. |
Employee Bio data |
Bio data, including contact details, of staff in focus |
Employee Other Data |
Extra information such as Retirement and Promotion Due Dates |
Change Request History |
Log of the change requestsfor the employee in focus |
Appendix II shows all the forms and interfaces
Menus Functionality Map
Most of the functionality enumerated in the previous section can be access through menus. Some features and function are also only available via the menus. The table below enumerates the menu items.
S\N |
Menu |
Operations and Functionality |
General |
Main Switch Board |
Displays the main form\interface |
Change Password |
Allows user to change his or her password. |
Connect to Datasource |
Provides interface for client program to connect to datasource |
Update ADO Connection |
Updates connection information for Active Data Objects operations. |
Update Local Datasets |
Requeries the database to update the datasets used locally by the client program |
System Administration |
User management, role and privileges assignment functionality. |
Configure Operational Data |
Data entry and modification functionality to customise the software to your operations and workflow |
View Environment Defaults |
Connection information between the client program, the database and other utility operations such as location of imports and exports directories and photographs directory |
Audit Trail |
History (Audit log) of operational activities, such as log ins, log outs and user management operations |
Page Setup |
Setup page margins, orientation and print quality for the reports to be sent to the printer |
Sends report to printer |
Exit |
Logs out from the client program |
Personnel Administration |
Personnel List |
Displays the Personnel List form |
Personnel Service History |
Displays the Personnel Service History and Request Processing form that shows staff information one page per employee. |
Personnel Search |
Personnel Search Engine |
Advanced Search |
Personnel and Service History Search Engine |
Personnel Service History Reports |
Selects and print reports of personnel |
Staff ID Card Registration |
Define staff id cards information |
Nominal Roll Management |
Nominal Roll |
Displays the nominal roll |
Nominal Roll Search |
Nominal Roll search engine |
Change Requests |
Exposes sub menu for initiating change requests; Direct, Postings, Promotions, Biodata, Disengagements and Reengagements. |
Change Requests Assessment |
Exposes sub menu for global and individual change requests assessments. |
Change Requests Audit Log |
Global history of all changes request activities |
Change Requests Reports |
Preview and print reports on change requests based on filters |
Nominal Roll Archives |
Displays the nominal roll archives |
Employee Nominal Roll Archives |
Assess individual employee nominal roll history from the archives |
Process Retirement and Promotion Due Dates |
Displays Personnel list with Retirement and Promotions Due dates |
Export Information |
Export To Excel |
Export previewed report in focus to Excel format |
Export To Text File |
Export previewed report in focus to Text format |
Export to Rich Text Format |
Export previewed report in focus to RTF (Word) format |
Export |
Export previewed report in focus to activated formats |
Info |
About |
Product information |
Welcome |
Welcome message |
Starting Nominal Roll software
How to start Nominal Roll Software
- Double Click on the Nominal Roll icon on your desktop. This displays the launcher.
- Click Nominal Roll on the launcher (or select from the menu)
- Log in with you username and password
- This display the main form after a few seconds.
How to change your password, if forgotten, compromised or your first time to log in.
- Click “Change Password” on the main interface.
- On the resulting enter your Old Password in the appropriate field. Leave blank if you do not have a password or you are specifying one for the first time.
- Enter your new password in the filed labelled “NewPassword”
- Enter the new password again in the field labelled “Verify”
- Click “Specify Password”.
- You will be prompted if the NewPassword and the Verify do not match exactly. You must re-enter both again to ensure registration of the password.
The next time you log on to Nominal Roll you must specify your new password to gain access.
Display forms layout explained
Form header describes the purpose of the form.
Footer contains Exit, Preview and Print buttons.
Exit closes the form,
Preview displays chosen report on the screen,
Print sends the report directly to the printer.
Filters and Sort features are usually at the footer of the form.
The footer will also Add, Modify, View, Save and Discard buttons where necessary for data entry and modification purposes.
Forms that display a continuous list of, for example, personnel will usually have record selectors (on the left side of the list) enabled. Full details of the employee on the list will be displayed in single form format when the record selector is double-clicked. Similarly, double clicking results list from the search engines will also display the full details in single form format.
Navigation buttons
On forms for data entry, modifications and list displays, the bottom left corner holds navigation object that shows the number of records (or number of pages) and the current record position. The navigation object has navigation buttons as arrows pointing in the direction of movement when it is clicked. You can move to the first record, move to the previous record, move to the next record and move to the last record by clicking these arrows. Alternatively, you can type in the record position you want to move to in the text box between the navigation buttons.
Operations buttons
These are buttons usually at the footer of the form, and, where they appear, perform the following operations.
Add clears controls except those with default value, ready for data entry
Modify provides the means to modify existing data
Save saves modified or new data
Discard discards changes or new entries made into text fields
Delete removes the record in focus
Refresh refreshes screen in focus, updating modified data
Show All re-queries the database and displays full data based on the record source of the form.
Locate provides text box to directly locate an employee information
Exit closes the current form, and returns to the previous form.
The Revert and Finish buttons are initiated when you click either Add or Modify.
The Save and Discard buttons are enabled when you begin data entry or modification.
Preview Displays report on the screen
Print Send report directly to the printer