Oluwatoba Obaniyi, Whogohost CEO and ‘Nigeria’s Internet President’ aspirant’s vision unlock .ng for economic growth

In this interview with Technology Times, Mr Oluwatoba Obaniyi, Whogohost CEO and Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NiRA) Vice President, one of the two candidates in the presidential race, shares his plans as the .ng domain manager elects new leaders today in Lagos.

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World’s biggest study reveals mammal evolution, and one very famous dog

A groundbreaking project has seen hundreds of scientists across the world uncover many mysteries of the evolution of mammals, work that may help us understand why humans are unique and what genetic changes may be key to some of our unique diseases.

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New Wyoming rhynchosaur discovered, named in First Nations language

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison have discovered a new species of rhynchosaur, an ancient reptile, in central Wyoming and named it in the language of the First Nations people indigenous to the area where it was found.

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World-first vascularization to advance global research into heart disease

Australian researchers have achieved two firsts that will assist in the battle against heart disease: they created a tiny beating heart with its own vascular system and uncovered how the vascular system affects inflammation-driven heart damage.

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Game-changing DSEND suit protects deep sea divers from pressure dangers

The US Navy recently completed tank tests of a new deep-diving suit called the Deep Sea Expeditionary with No Decompression (DSEND) system that is light and flexible, yet maintains sea-level pressure around the wearer when hundreds of feet underwater.

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Mutual destruction: Binary stars, black holes, and ripples in space-time

Researchers from University College London and the University of Potsdam, Germany have studied two most massive touching stars in a neighboring galaxy that will eventually turn into black holes and collide, sending ripples through space and time.

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NASA’s Quesst to end 50-year-old commercial supersonic flight ban over US

NASA this week marked the 50th anniversary of the total ban of civilian supersonic flights over the US. The milestone comes as the agency continues development of the X-59 experimental supersonic aircraft intended to reintroduce civilian Mach+ service.

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