Graphene shown to protect pipes from bacterial corrosion

Graphene, the highly-useful material consisting of a one-atom-thick sheet of linked carbon atoms, has already been shown to keep steel from rusting. Soon, though, it could also be used to stop bacteria from corroding metal pipes.

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Could nasal swabs replace skin-prick allergy tests?

Although no one likes getting blood samples drawn or having their skin pricked, these are the most common methods of testing for allergies. Thanks to a new study, however, such uncomfortable pokes could soon be replaced with painless nasal swabs.

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How to force URLs in Slack to open in your default Android mobile web browser

Stop opening URLs from Slack in WebView and use your built-in Android browser for a more efficient and secure experience. Image: Slack Slack is an incredibly powerful collaboration tool. Without…

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A Success Story of ValvTechnologies – TrunTech® Trunnion Dosing Cup

A Texas polyethylene plant had valves grouped in a pair of fours with a drive system that could operate one or multiple valves as required. Instead of a traditional hole through the valve, these unique valves had a dosing cup that metered catalyst into the reactor, rotating 360° based on the drive system.

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