Self-contained SmartFarm grows plants using water drawn from the air

In many parts of the world there may not be much precipitation, but there is a fair amount of water vapor in the air – particularly at night. An experimental new device draws in that vapor, then uses it to irrigate edible plants.

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Tusk-free ivory substitute can be 3D printed into complex shapes

The ivory trade has been banned for over 30 years now, which means that technicians restoring ivory artifacts have to get creative in finding alternative materials. A new 3D-printable substance known as Digory appears to fit the bill nicely.

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Phishing attack ramps up against COVID-19 vaccine supply chain

Targeting global companies, the attackers are likely seeking confidential data on the distribution and storage of the coronavirus vaccines, says IBM Security X-Force. Image: iStock/gopixa Cybercriminals have been expanding a…

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Low-code, no-code or flex-code development? Each is beneficial for different needs

The more savvy the user, the more code they can handle. How much you allow depends on a number of factors. Image: REDPIXEL.PL/Shutterstock Must-read developer content As more low-code and…

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