Google Chrome: Security and UI tips you need to know

Google Chrome: Security and UI tips you need to know

  • Provided by TechRepublic Premium
  • Published October 17, 2021
  • Topic TechRepublic Premium
  • Format PDF

Google’s Chrome web browser currently holds a 64.92% command on the global browser market share. That means more users are working with Chrome in significantly more use cases: Mobile, desktop, and even business. Because of that, users of all types must employ Chrome with a measure of caution and intelligence. After all, most average users spend most of their PC and mobile time (for both work and entertainment) within a browser. And given that a majority of users are doing so in Chrome, it’s important to understand how to best use the browser.

This PDF download from TechRepublic Premium will provide you with some of the most important tips (broken into two categories: Security and UI) for using Google’s Chrome web browser.

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