How to make a Slack emoji to add some personality to the workday

How to make a Slack emoji to add some personality to the workday

Custom Slack emojis are a great way for people to personalize the messaging platform. Here’s a step-by-step guide explaining how to make a Slack emoji.


Image: iStock/kirstypargeter

In recent months, organizations around the globe have transitioned to remote work due to the coronavirus pandemic. To boost communication from afar, a number of organizations are using a vast suite of collaboration tools like Slack and Zoom to name a few. Slack touts a number of features to enhance the overall user experience ranging from settings designed with productivity in mind to features focused on individual customization and team-building. For example, Slack allows users to react using a wide-range of emojis to add a little flavor to standard text messaging. It’s also possible for users to upload their own custom Slack emojis for added personalization. Without further ado, here is a step-by-step guide detailing how to make a Slack emoji.

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How to make a Slack emoji

First, open the Slack desktop browser and locate the name of the specific organizational workspace on the top left of the page. (This button will probably be the name of the company or the larger parent company.) Next, select “Customize Slack” from the list of dropdown menu options. This will automatically open a new tab in the browser window. On the workspace customization screen, people will have the option to add a custom emoji. To do so, click on the “Add Custom Emoji” button situated on the right side of the page.

Next, a popup will appear on the screen with the option to upload an emoji and name the custom emoji. Naming the emoji will make it easier to search for the emoji on Slack. Once properly uploaded, the emoji will appear when an individual types this specific name in the emoji library search bar.

Slack recommends using images featuring transparent backgrounds and options smaller than 128KB although Slack will “try to resize” uploaded images that are too large. The name for the custom emoji must be typed in lowercase letters and “can’t contain spaces, periods, or most punctuation,” per Slack. After the emoji successfully uploads, individuals should be able to find the emoji in the dedicated Slack emoji library.

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Custom Slack emojis “unofficial directory”

It’s important to note that there’s also an “unofficial directory” featuring hundreds of custom Slack emojis including the ever-popular party parrot, “Game of Thrones” characters, professional sports teams, and more. The website is not affiliated with Slack and “is made by some random dude in Brooklyn. He doesn’t work for Slack, isn’t paid by Slack, he just thinks Slack is pretty cool,” according to the site. Regardless, the website offers plenty of custom Slack emoji options to peruse and deploy at will for those so inclined.

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