Chinese operators shift capex focus to enterprise
The three major mobile players in China faced slowing 5G subscriber growth in 2022, but registered growing traction in the lucrative industrial sector, with gains in revenue from deploying private…
The three major mobile players in China faced slowing 5G subscriber growth in 2022, but registered growing traction in the lucrative industrial sector, with gains in revenue from deploying private…
China Telecom ha registrado crecimiento en la adopción de la 5G durante el tercer trimestre, a pesar de las restricciones impuestas en muchas ciudades a raíz de la pandemia de…
China’s three mobile players signed up an additional 30.1 million 5G package subscribers in May, taking their combined figure to 899.3 million and accounting for the vast majority of the…
En mayo, las tres operadoras de telefonía móvil de China ganaron 30,1 millones de abonados a paquetes 5G, con lo que el número total de abonados chinos se eleva a…
GSMA POST MWC22 SHARING: China Unicom chairman and CEO Liu Liehong (pictured) highlighted the vast financial and energy reductions a 5G network built jointly with China Telecom had delivered to…
En fecha reciente se ha clarificado cuál es el verdadero grado de implantación de la 5G en China, gracias a que China Mobile ha anunciado oficialmente que el número de…
China’s true 5G uptake gained some clarity this week, with China Mobile officially revealing the number of subscribers with both 5G service plans and handsets reached 190 million at end-2021,…
China Telecom outlined plans to reduce 5G capex by 10.5 per cent year-on-year in 2022, while the total budget is expected to rise 7.3 per cent to CNY93 billion ($14.6…
China’s three major mobile operators added 28.4 million 5G package subscribers in January taking their combined total to 757.9 million, almost half of the nation’s total mobile users. Total mobile…
Las tres principales operadoras de telefonía móvil de China sumaron en enero 28,4 millones de abonados a paquetes 5G, lo que sitúa el total en 757,9 millones, casi la mitad…
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