Electronic nose sniffs urine for traces of prostate cancer

New research has reported successful early tests for an electronic nose system designed to sniff out prostate cancer biomarkers in urine. The technology follows earlier research that found trained sniffer dogs can accurately detect prostate cancer.

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Swallowable sensor transmits live reports on intestinal glucose levels

Intestinal glucose levels are a major indicator of gastrointestinal health, and the current method of measuring them involves putting a catheter down the patient's throat. Soon, however, a swallowable "smart pill" could do the job less intrusively.

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Major obesity advance takes out targeted fat depots anywhere in the body

Scientists at Columbia University are reporting an exciting advance in obesity treatment, demonstrating how positively-charged nanomaterials can be injected into unhealthy fat to return it to a healthy state.

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Custom 3D-printed joints may restore full movement to disabled fingers

We hear a lot about artificial hips and knees, but finger joints? They do exist, but their fit and functionality is limited. Germany's Fraunhofer research group aims to change that, with artificial finger joints that are 3D-printed for each patient.

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Yale study uncovers new potential root cause of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists at Yale University have uncovered an overlooked mechanism that may be behind the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. The team points the finger at small swellings on axons near plaques that build up in the brain, suggesting new drug targets.

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Experimental “smart” bandage speeds healing by zapping chronic wounds

Chronic wounds such as diabetic skin ulcers can be very slow to heal, potentially leading to amputations or sometimes even death. A new bandage could speed their healing by delivering electrical stimulation, but only as needed.

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First-ever blood test for myocarditis detects heart inflammation

Researchers in the United Kingdom have discovered a blood biomarker that signals the presence of myocarditis. It's hoped the discovery will lead to a rapid blood test to catch this deadly and difficult-to-diagnose inflammatory heart condition.

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First evidence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria moving from gut to lungs

A case study has tracked, for the first time, the movement of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from a patient's gut microbiome to their lungs. The research presents the first direct evidence of this transmission pathway taking place in hospital patients.

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