BlackByte ransomware picks up where Conti and Sodinokibi left off

BlackByte is using Exbyte, a new custom exfiltration tool, to steal data. Learn how to protect your organization from this ransomware. Image: nicescene/Adobe Stock Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team announced Friday…

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2022 State of the Threat: Ransomware is still hitting companies hard

Image: Alex/Adobe Stock The ransomware landscape has not changed in terms of volume, yet the researchers from SecureWorks report that incident response engagements in May and June 2022 saw the…

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Training the next generation of cybersecurity experts to close the crisis gap

Image: Unsplash The cybersecurity sector faces a severe crisis: a lack of qualified workers. In June 2022, Fortune reported that companies are desperate for cybersecurity workers. Cyber Seek lists more…

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