Regular internet use by older adults linked to reduced dementia risk

A new long-term study by researchers at NYU has found that regular internet usage by older adults is linked with a decreased risk of dementia. But it’s about striking a balance, with evidence excessive use can be harmful to cognitive health.

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Breath of life: A simple inhaler could cut postpartum hemorrhage deaths

Melbourne’s Monash University has commenced a Phase 1 clinical trial to test a novel inhaled powder designed to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, a serious complication of childbirth that causes tens of thousands of deaths worldwide.

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Huge pile of condor poop provides a 2,200-year trip through time

Perhaps fortunately, animal droppings generally don't stick around in the environment too long. But when they do, like in the case of this special Andean condor poop pile, these unique fossils offer new insights into the history of our planet.

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Boxing may KO early Parkinson’s Disease progression, improve quality of life

When you think of boxing, you probably don’t think of it helping slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. But a new study has shown that boxing may be of benefit to those with Parkinson’s Disease.

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Alien eavesdroppers may be able to map Earth using mobile phone signals

A new study suggests that if any alien civilizations are turning their radio telescopes toward Earth, they may be able to not only detect our mobile phone signals, but could deduce a lot about our planet and even produce crude maps of it.

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New study identifies pathway to non-addictive pain relief

While opioids are among the most powerful painkillers, they're also highly addictive, which makes them hard to get. A new finding may offer hope to pain patients in the form of powerful drugs that lack the most severe side effects of current options.

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Sovereign Ships solar-electric yacht takes off-grid living out to sea

Forget about merely living off-grid, the future is about living offshore, full-time. The Sovereign Ships Sphinx 40 has been conceived as an on-water homestead capable of producing its own power, harvesting its own fresh water and growing food.

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