V2M tech is designed to catch car problems – by listening for them

While there are some mechanical problems that can easily be detected by a car’s onboard sensors, there are others which are a bit trickier. The V2M system is designed to catch those other ones, by listening for them using onboard modules.

Currently being developed by a Delaware-based startup of the same name, V2M consists of two electroacoustic sensing modules – located in the front and rear of the automobile – along with a control unit located in the middle.

Utilizing this hardware, the system continuously monitors and records the operating noises of the vehicle. The analog recordings are converted to digital signals, which are relayed to an online server for analysis by AI-based algorithms. If any problems are detected, the car’s owner and/or their mechanic is notified via an app and an internet-accessible dashboard.

Alerts could also be sent to the car’s existing onboard diagnostic system, to vehicle manufacturers, and to fleet operators. In any case, the idea is that the required maintenance can then be performed as soon as possible, before more extensive repairs are needed – V2M’s name is in fact an acronym for “vehicle-to-maintenance.”

We’re told that among other things, the system can presently identify the sounds of problematic wheel bearings; timing, tension and idle rollers; and CV joints. The designers are now working on the identification of sounds associated with suspension problems.

V2M is intended for use in both internal combustion and electric vehicles – the current prototype version of the system has been installed in a Tesla sedan. It is hoped that a market-ready version will be available by June. The company is reportedly already in talks with Ferarri, which may ultimately include the system as standard equipment in its vehicles.

Source: V2M

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