Why policies for extended sick leave and short term disability are critical for organizations

Why policies for extended sick leave and short term disability are critical for organizations

Whether it be a global pandemic or a bad flu season, companies can benefit from guidelines around how to handle serious employee illnesses.

The coronavirus pandemic has moved employees out of offices and into homes. Shelter-in-place orders, and social distancing has accelerated remote work, making it the norm for many companies. With so much uncertainty, organizations must consider how to accommodate employees that contract the virus. 

Handling sick employees is typically not a problem, with flexible scheduling and paid time off benefits. However, in unprecedented incidents such as a global pandemic, employees might need a substantial amount of recovery time.

Developing a plan for those situations is critical for organizations. The following TechRepublic Premium policies can help provide defined guidelines for both the company and employee when it comes to benefits during health-related leaves of absence. 

TechRepublic Premium’s Extended Sick leave policy outlines the benefits allowed to employees who need to take a substantial amount of time off for illness. The policy defines the responsibilities of the organization, as well as the individuals, and also specifies which employees are specifically covered for paid extended sick leave. The document also lists the violations and penalties employees will face if caught abusing the policy. With this policy, employees and supervisors are on the same page, leaving no room for uncertainty or lack of clarity. 

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Sickness isn’t the only reason an employee may need to take a leave of absence; injuries also play a factor. TechRepublic Premium’s Short-term Disability policy defines who and what conditions qualify for short-term disability insurance. It also specifies how long it will take to receive such benefits, who monitors any policy changes, and what violations and penalties exist  for the document. Short-term disability benefits can make an employer attractive to prospective hires, and this TechRepublic Premium policy takes the stress and work out of creating the document. 

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