Running WordPress on Azure for secure, fast and global content delivery

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  • Post category:Open Source
  • Post last modified:March 20, 2023

Learn about Microsoft's WordPress on Azure App Service, as well as an interesting alternative from WP Engine.

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How to Empower Your Creative Team: Transform Graphic Designers into Motion Designers with Artboard Studio

In today’s digital landscape, as consumers increasingly spend more and more time online, creating engaging content that speaks to target audiences is becoming more crucial. The popularity of video content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok has driven the rise of motion graphics. As a result, visual storytelling and motion graphics have …

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Dinosaur with 50-ft neck claims crown for longest necked animal ever

It’s no secret that sauropods had really long necks, but now paleontologists claim to have identified the species that takes the crown. According to the team, Mamenchisaurus has the longest neck of any known animal ever, measuring 50 ft (over 15 m).

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Depression is different for men and women, and the proof is in our DNA

A growing body of evidence has confirmed how much our susceptibility to mental illness is based in our genes. Now, researchers have found that depression is genetically sex-specific, opening the door to more tailored therapy than ever before.

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The genie escapes: Stanford copies the ChatGPT AI for less than $600

Stanford's Alpaca AI performs similarly to the astonishing ChatGPT on many tasks – but it's built on an open-source language model and cost less than US$600 to train up. It seems these godlike AIs are already frighteningly cheap and easy to replicate.

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Astronomers discover first direct evidence of vulcanism on Venus

After decades of speculation, astronomers have discovered the first direct evidence of volcanic activity on Venus. Radar images of Earth’s “twin” taken just a few months apart reveal a recent eruption.

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