Virgo full-face helmet is made for high-speed ebiking

Given the fact that many ebikes can travel at speeds of up to 28 mph (45 km/h) with little rider effort, should those riders be wearing special helmets? The folks at French startup The Beam seem to think so, which is why they created the Virgo.

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Sunlight-activated powder disinfects water in just 60 seconds

If you leave a clear bottle of water in the sunlight, the UV rays will kill any microbes in that water, making it drinkable … but it has to sit in the sun for at least six hours. A new sunlight-activated powder, however, does the job in one minute.

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Spacetop AR laptop puts the screen on your face

Seeking to free laptop users from small displays that limit functionality, Sightful has unveiled a laptop with no screen. Instead, AR glasses project a 100-inch virtual screen anywhere, transforming any space into a screen-filled portable office.

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Smart learning device sticks a personal teacher to your guitar

Learning to play guitar is tough, and though there's no replacement for hard work and practice, technology can lend a helping hand. The mu6label is the latest gadget in the space, an AI-powered learning multitool that attaches to a guitar's upper edge .

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Asia’s largest timber building an eco-friendly class act

Work was recently completed on what's being hailed as the largest mass timber building in Asia. Designed by Toyo Ito, the project features impressive green design, including solar panels that produce more electricity than it requires.

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Asia’s largest timber building an eco-friendly class act

Work was recently completed on what's being hailed as the largest mass timber building in Asia. Designed by Toyo Ito, the project features impressive green design, including solar panels that produce more electricity than it requires.

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Smooching and herpes inseparable for more than 4,000 years

A pair of researchers have delved into the ancient past, referring to Mesopotamian texts and paleogenomics to discover when romantic kissing was first practised and the pathogens that have followed the practice from then until now.

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Smooching and herpes inseparable for more than 4,000 years

A pair of researchers have delved into the ancient past, referring to Mesopotamian texts and paleogenomics to discover when romantic kissing was first practised and the pathogens that have followed the practice from then until now.

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