Shredded masks and broken glass: Green ingredients for better concrete

Even slight adjustments to how we make cement and concrete can have a big impact on their environmental footprint, and as research continues to show, scientists working in this space are not short of ideas.

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James Webb snaps its first direct image of an exoplanet

The James Webb Space Telescope has snapped its first direct images of an exoplanet. With its uniquely powerful instruments, Webb captures details that other observatories miss, which will help us understand these distant worlds better.

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Aluminum-gallium powder bubbles hydrogen out of dirty water

“We don’t need any energy input, and it bubbles hydrogen like crazy. I’ve never seen anything like it,” said UCSC Professor Scott Oliver, describing a new aluminum-gallium nanoparticle powder that generates H2 when placed in water – even seawater.

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Hire people with ‘unconventional backgrounds’ to fill the tech skills gap

Image: Dmitry Kovalchuk/ Getty Images Much has been made about the dearth of tech professionals and the stress organizations are feeling trying to find them. A new McKinsey article makes…

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How to return the first and last times from timestamps in a Microsoft Excel PivotTable

When analyzing grouped data, bypass complex functions and use a Microsoft Excel PivotTable. Image: Diego/Adobe Stock The article How to return first and last times from timestamps in Microsoft Excel…

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